# Git version control ja Gitlab project management environment - TTZW0410 - 1 ECTS On this course we study how Git version control and Gitlab project/repository management environment are used. Git has become the 'de facto' tool for source code version control and these practices can be used on any field of education. **Note!** This material has mostly been made in 2018 with slight updates in the August of 2020. Video's have been renewed for the english language implementation in 2021. **Update 11.9.2023:** Apparently 16.0 version brought a new graphical user interface to the webpges of gitlab (web front-end). Things can mainly be found, but have changed places quite a lot. I have no time to renew my videos on this short notice. Thus, you have to find the places yourselves a bit. Unfortunate that this took place at the start of the semester, but our LabraNet installs these updates because of (cyber) security. :movie_camera: [Course Introduction video](https://panopto.jamk.fi/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=80bc5aa0-20a9-4642-af31-ad890040aaa4) :movie_camera: 1. [Generally](#generally) 3. [Timetable](#timetable) 2. [Material](#material) 2. [Literature](#literature) 2. [Evaluation](#evaluation) 4. [Other](#other) ## Generally  | - | JAMK, Unit of Technology, Institute of Information Technology | |:--------|:----------:| | Teacher | [Karo Saharinen](https://www.linkedin.com/in/karo-saharinen) - karo.saharinen@jamk.fi - [D571](https://www.jamk.fi/fi/Yhteystiedot/Lutakon-kampus/) | | Semester | Nonstop | | Group | Any degree programme | The objectives and pre-requisites for the course you can read from [the course description in Peppi](https://opetussuunnitelmat.peppi.jamk.fi/en/TTV2020SS/course_unit/TTZW0410). Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process can be done according to [JAMK's instructions](https://studyguide.jamk.fi/en/study-guide-bachelors-degrees/studying-at-jamk/recognition-of-prior-learning-and-experience/). ## Timetable The recommended order of studying is presented below. | Week | Material | Assignments | |:--------|:----------:|---------| | 01 | [Generally Git & Gitlab, Issues ja Milestones](src/vko/vko01.md) | [Assignment 1](src/vko/vko01_harj.md) | | 02 | [Git installation, Git basics & Markdown file formatting](src/vko/vko02.md) | [Assignment 2](src/vko/vko02_harj.md) | | 03 | [Git HTTPS/SSH, Revision history, Diff -info, Statistics & Wiki](src/vko/vko03.md) | [Assignment 3](src/vko/vko03_harj.md) | | 04 | [Pandoc, binary files, .gitignore, draw.io and CI/CD pipelines](src/vko/vko04.md) | [Assignment 4](src/vko/vko04_harj.md) | | 05 | [Branches, Merge Requests, Merge Conflicts and finally repository settings](src/vko/vko05.md) | [Assignment 5](src/vko/vko05_harj.md) | ### Students of JAMK The course can be found from the study plan of Information and Communications Technology (TIC) students as a elective course. The course is ran as an nonstop implementation, which means you can start the course immediately by enrolling in [Peppi](https://peppi.jamk.fi) for the course: :scroll: [https://peppi.jamk.fi](https://peppi.jamk.fi) -> Studies -> PLP -> Enrollments -> Search for courses -> Write: "gitlab" and press Search -> Enroll :scroll: If necessary you can resort to [Peppi student guide.](https://oppimateriaalit.jamk.fi/peppi/en/studies/enrollment-for-course-implementations/) ### Students of CampusOnline The course is opened separately for autumn and spring semesters. Enroll according to CampusOnline instructions. ## Material The study material is distributed through: - Gitlab repository export file, which can be downloaded from the [Moodle -workspace](https://moodle.jamk.fi). The file includes used material and source references. Discussions and virtual support: - Login with your @student.jamk.fi -account to [Microsoft Teams](https://teams.microsoft.com) and join a open team `TTZW0410 Git -versionhallinta ja Gitlab -projektien hallintaympäristö` (sorry for the finnish name, you can discuss in english also) - You can also send email, if necessary to karo.saharinen@jamk.fi ### Instructions for starting the course The study material is distributed through: - Gitlab repository export file, which can be downloaded from the [Moodle -workspace](https://moodle.jamk.fi). The file includes used material and source references. The course can be done either in: 1. https://gitlab.labranet.jamk.fi -server (JAMK LabraNet student/account), :movie_camera: [video of the login](https://panopto.jamk.fi/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=59a00c6d-66b7-47a2-821f-ad890040ab07) :movie_camera: 2. https://gitlab.com -server, :movie_camera: [video of the login](https://panopto.jamk.fi/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=a611e2ca-7ecc-4bb6-8028-ad8700716635) :movie_camera: :exclamation: After the login/register you have to bring/import the exported repository file into Gitlab. I won't be sending this file as an email as the link is in [Moodle](https://moodle.jamk.fi). Look at the instruction :movie_camera: [video](https://panopto.jamk.fi/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=59a00c6d-66b7-47a2-821f-ad890040ab07). :movie_camera: ## Literature [Chacon, S. & Straub, B. 2014. Pro Git.](https://github.com/progit/progit2/releases/download/2.1.241/progit.pdf) ## Evaluation On the course the student returns: - **1 ECTS:** Student does all the necessary assignments and afterwards adds @sahka as a member of the repository (with Maintainer -rights). This is the last assignment of the last assignment. The returned repositories are evaluated as Passed / Not Passed. ## Other There is no mandatory attendance requirements. Course feedback is asked in the last assignment. ## License This course and its materials are written by [Karo Saharinen](https://www.linkedin.com/in/karo-saharinen/) and licenced by [Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) ](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) -license. [](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)