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Here is some samples showcasing the projects I have worked on in the past.

MusicPlayer, autumn 2018, Java (Android studio)

One of the assignments for the android mobile course. In it's simplicity, the app find music from your android device's storage and displays the path to it on the screen. Once you click it, the song starts to play. Also, after a song starts to play, a play/pause button is displayed.

A YouTube link to see a demo video of it (without sound, unfortunately)

SumCalculator, autumn 2018, Java (Android studio)

A very simple calculator that adds up two numbers given to it.

A YouTube link to see a demo video of it

Nuotio, spring 2018, C# (Unity)

One of the assignments for the game development course. A simple bonfire with fire and smoke particles.

A link to the Web build

Pac-boy, spring 2018, C# (Unity)

A project also made for the game development course. A sort-of 3D pacman game, which was intended to have more than one level with stair cases and that sort of things. The game unfortunately has only one level at this point.

A link to the Web build (use arrows or WASD to move the pac-boy

Volvomarketti, autumn 2017, HTML5/CSS/PHP/JavaScript

A project made for a course about web programming. The website is designed to be a place that you can use to put your car up for sale. You can add cars, remove them, and browse them. The project wasn't finished all the way as the time ran out. When you click a car whilst searching for a spesific car, it takes you to a webpage that doesn't exist.

To log in to Volvomarketti (bottom right corner of header), use 'jere' as username(Tunnus) and 'hurjasalasana' as password(Salasana).

A link to try out the demo

Hirsipuu, autumn 2016, C++, (Visual Studio)

This was an assigment for the first programming course I attended in JAMK University of applied sciences. It's a simple game of gallows and it was coded using C++.

A YouTube link to see a demo video of it