import React, { Component } from "react"; import Chart from "react-apexcharts"; import Form from "react-bootstrap/Form"; import Table from "react-bootstrap/Table" import Button from "react-bootstrap/Button"; import ButtonGroup from "react-bootstrap/ButtonGroup"; import LAMpoints from "./LAMpoints"; import serverURL from "./Url" var year = ""; var interval; var VehicleNumberDataObjectForMultipleDay={}; var AvgSpeedDataObjectForMultipleDay={}; export class MultipleDayGraph extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { options: {}, series: [], options2: {}, series2: [], info:{}, year: "", month:"", day:"", endDay:"", areaID: "", lamID: "", startDayNumber: "", endDayNumber: "", vehicleClass: '8',//8 means all classes trafficDirection : 'both', counter : 0, childReady : false, error: "", message:"", toggleDisabled:true, btnDisabled : false, toggleHide : true, }; this.yearHandler = this.yearHandler.bind(this); this.startDayNumberHandler = this.startDayNumberHandler.bind(this); this.vehicleClassHandler = this.vehicleClassHandler.bind(this); this.trafficDirectionHandler = this.trafficDirectionHandler.bind(this); } async getDataAsStream() { console.log("sending req!") var year_ = this.state.year; var areaID = this.state.areaID; var lamID = this.state.lamID; var startDayNumber_ = this.state.startDayNumber; var endDayNumber_ = this.state.endDayNumber; var escapedDays = 0; interval = endDayNumber_ - startDayNumber_ var counter= 0; //console.log({interval}) var url = `${serverURL}/api/vehicle/?year=${year_}&areaID=${areaID}&lamID=${lamID}&startDayNumber=${startDayNumber_}&endDayNumber=${endDayNumber_}`;//&vehicleClass=${vehicleClass} //var url = `http://localhost:3030/api/vehicle/?year=2019&areaID=01&lamID=101&startDayNumber=5&endDayNumber=30`;//&vehicleClass=${vehicleClass} try { // Step 1: start the fetch and obtain a reader var response = await fetch(url); if(response.status === 200){ const reader = response.body.getReader(); // Step 2: get total length //const contentLength = +response.headers.get('Content-Length'); // Step 3: read the data var resultList = []; //let receivedLength = 0; // received that many bytes at the moment //let chunks = []; // array of received binary chunks (comprises the body) while(true) { const {done, value} = await; if (done) { break; } //chunks.push(value); //receivedLength += value.length; //console.log(`Received ${receivedLength} of ${contentLength}`) try { let result_ = new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(value); var result = JSON.parse(result_) resultList.push(resultList); //console.log(result) //getting the vehicle number in each our based on vehicle class from response of the request var vehicle_number = result.vehicle_number; //filling the missing values of vehicle number to zero let final_Vehicle_number = this.fillMissingValues(vehicle_number); let vehicleNumber = this.filterData(final_Vehicle_number); //getting the cars average speed based on car category var avg_speed = result.avg_speed_km_h; //filling the missing values of average speed to zero let final_avg_speed = this.fillMissingValues(avg_speed); //filtering the data and making it as a nested object let avgSpeed_ = this.filterData(final_avg_speed); //using the calculateAvgSpeed function it will claculate the avarage speed for each vehicle class let avgSpeed = this.calculateAvgSpeed(avgSpeed_) let date = (Object.keys(avgSpeed))[0] //saving all days in one object VehicleNumberDataObjectForMultipleDay[date]= vehicleNumber[date] AvgSpeedDataObjectForMultipleDay[date]= avgSpeed[date] //using setDataForGraph function to set the filtered and sorted data as graph's data set this.setDataForGraph(VehicleNumberDataObjectForMultipleDay,AvgSpeedDataObjectForMultipleDay); counter++; this.setState({counter }) //console.log({vehicleNumber,avgSpeed}); } catch (error) { console.log("escaped one day!") escapedDays++; continue } } console.log("all days; ",VehicleNumberDataObjectForMultipleDay) this.setState({toggleDisabled: false,btnDisabled:false, toggleHide : false, message : `Faulty days: ${escapedDays}`}); } else { this.setState({btnDisabled:false, message :"" }); let errormsg=""; if(response.status === 404){ errormsg = "No data found for the selected date! Error code "+response.status; } else errormsg = "Oops something went wrong! Error code "+ response.status; this.setState({error: errormsg}) //alert("Could not connect to server! no data found for selected date and location! code:",response.status) } } catch(er){ this.setState({btnDisabled:false, message :"" }); console.log(er); let errormsg=""; if(response.status === 404){ errormsg = "No data found for the selected date! Error code "+response.status; } else errormsg = "Oops something went wrong! Error code "+ response.status; this.setState({error: errormsg}) } } calculateAvgSpeed(input){ //getting the avarage speed of all cars in each hour and saving them i class '8' Object.keys(input).forEach(hour =>{ let direction1 = []; let direction2 = []; let Vclasses = input[hour]; Object.keys(Vclasses).forEach(vclass=>{ if(vclass==='8'){ const arrSum = arr => arr.reduce((a,b) => a + b, 0); input[hour]['8']['1'] = ((arrSum(direction1))/direction1.length); input[hour]['8']['2'] = ((arrSum(direction2))/direction2.length); let both = direction1.concat(direction2) input[hour]['8']['both'] = Math.round(((arrSum(both))/both.length) * 10) / 10; }else{ if(input[hour][vclass]['1'] !==0){ direction1.push(input[hour][vclass]['1']) } if(input[hour][vclass]['2'] !==0){ direction2.push(input[hour][vclass]['2']) } let avg = (input[hour][vclass]['1']+ input[hour][vclass]['2'])/2; input[hour][vclass]['both'] = Math.round(avg * 10) / 10 } }); }); return input; } setDataForGraph = (Vnumber,Vspeed)=>{ var VCLASS = this.state.vehicleClass; var dates=[]; var numberData = []; var speedData = []; //data for graph var trafficDirection = this.state.trafficDirection; Object.keys(Vnumber).forEach(key=>{ dates.push(key); numberData.push(Vnumber[key][VCLASS][trafficDirection]); }); Object.keys(Vspeed).forEach(key=>{ speedData.push(Vspeed[key][VCLASS][trafficDirection]); }); //Setting the fetched data as graph's input data this.setState({ //Data for vehcile number graph options:{ chart: { id: "basic-bar" }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, xaxis: { categories: dates, title:{ text : "Date" } }, yaxis: { title: { text: 'Vehicle Number' } }, title: { text: 'Number of vehicles in each day', align: 'center' }, legend: { position: 'top', horizontalAlign: 'right', floating: true, offsetY: -25, offsetX: -5 } }, series:[{ name: "Vehicle Number", data: numberData }], //data for avarage speed garaph options2:{ chart: { id: "basic-bar" }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, xaxis: { categories: dates, title:{ text : "Date" } }, yaxis: { title: { text: 'Avrage speed km/h' }, labels: { formatter: function (value) { return Math.round(value * 10)/10; } } }, colors: ['#cc3b31'], title: { text: 'Avrage Speed in each day', align: 'center' }, legend: { position: 'top', horizontalAlign: 'right', floating: true, offsetY: -25, offsetX: -5 } }, series2:[{ name: "Avarage Speed km/h", data: speedData }], }); } filterData= (input)=>{ var DataObj = {}; let d = {}; let c = {}; let sum =0; Object.keys(input).forEach((key)=>{ let value = input[key]; let keyToList = key.toString().split('_'); let dates = keyToList[0]; let category = parseFloat(keyToList[1]); let direction = parseFloat(keyToList[2]); c[direction] = Math.round(value * 10) / 10; sum = c['1']+c['2']; c['both'] = sum; d[category] = {...c}; //checking if all the classes 1-7 exists, and then creates class 8 which is total of all classes if(d['1'] && d['2'] && d['3'] && d['4'] && d['5'] && d['6'] && d['7']){ d['8'] = {1:0, 2:0, both:0}; d['8']['1'] = d['1']['1'] + d['2']['1']+d['3']['1']+d['4']['1']+d['5']['1']+d['6']['1']+d['7']['1']; d['8']['2'] = d['1']['2'] + d['2']['2']+d['3']['2']+d['4']['2']+d['5']['2']+d['6']['2']+d['7']['2']; d['8']['both'] = d['8']['1'] + d['8']['2']; } DataObj[dates] = {...d}; //if() }); return DataObj; } //function for filling the missing values like vehicle category and its number fillMissingValues=(input)=>{ let firstkey = Object.keys(input) let year = firstkey[0].split('_')[0] let final = {}; for (let i = 0; i <= 14; i++) { for (let j = 1; j <= 7; j++) { for(let x=1; x<=2;x++){ const key = [`${year}_${j}_${x}`]; final[key] = input[key]; if (input[key] === undefined) { final[key] = 0; } } } } return final; } dateTodaynumber = (year, month,day) => { var x = new Date(year, 0, 0); x = x.getTime(); var d = new Date(year, month, day); d = d.getTime(); var sec = d - x; var secToDay = sec / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24; secToDay = Math.floor(secToDay); return secToDay; } yearHandler(e) { year = e; this.setState({ year }); } monthHandler=(e)=>{ this.setState({month : e}); } startDayNumberHandler(e) { this.setState({day: e}); } endDaynumberHandler = (e)=>{ console.log(e) this.setState({endDay:e}) } vehicleClassHandler(e) { var vehicleClass =; this.setState({ vehicleClass },()=>{ //one day data //using setDataForGraph function to set the filtered and sorted data as graph's data set this.setDataForGraph(VehicleNumberDataObjectForMultipleDay,AvgSpeedDataObjectForMultipleDay); }); } trafficDirectionHandler(e){ var btnID =; let trafficDirection; if(btnID ==="direction1"){ //console.log(btnID) trafficDirection=1; }else if(btnID ==="direction2"){ //console.log(btnID) trafficDirection=2; }else if(btnID === "bothDirection"){ //console.log(btnID) trafficDirection='both'; } this.setState({trafficDirection},()=>{ //one day data //using setDataForGraph function to set the filtered and sorted data as graph's data set this.setDataForGraph(VehicleNumberDataObjectForMultipleDay,AvgSpeedDataObjectForMultipleDay); }); } infoHandler = (info)=>{ var lamID =; this.setState({ lamID,info}); } areaHandler = (id)=>{ var areaID = id; this.setState({ areaID}); } isChildreadyHandler = (e)=>{ this.setState({ childReady : e }) } buttonHandler = () => { let selectedYear = this.state.year; let selectedMonth = this.state.month; let selectedDay =; let selectedEndDay = this.state.endDay; let startDayNumber = this.dateTodaynumber(selectedYear,selectedMonth,selectedDay); let endDayNumber = this.dateTodaynumber(selectedYear,selectedMonth,selectedEndDay) var inputs = [ this.state.year, this.state.areaID, this.state.lamID, this.state.month,, this.state.endDay, this.state.childReady ]; if ( (inputs[0] === "") | (inputs[1] === "") | (inputs[2] === "") | (inputs[3] === "") | (inputs[4] === "") | (inputs[5] === "") | (inputs[6] === false) ) { this.setState({error: "Please make sure that you have chosen right value for dates, Area and LAM point ID fields!", }); } else if( startDayNumber === endDayNumber | startDayNumber > endDayNumber){ this.setState({error: "End day can not be equal or smaller then the start day!", }); } else { this.setState({ error : "", message : "Please wait while the data is beeing processed!", btnDisabled : true }) this.setState({startDayNumber,endDayNumber},()=>{ this.getDataAsStream(); console.log("Sending request to server!") }); //console.log(this.state) } } render() { let id,name, coordinates,status,address,municipality,province,direction1,direction2,startTime=''; if (['id'] !== undefined){ id =; status =; name =; coordinates =; address =; municipality =; province =; startTime =; direction1 =; direction2 =; } return ( <div className="oneDayGraphComponent"> <div className="grid-container"> <div className="grid-item-heading"> Data analysis for multiple day </div> <div className="grid-item-form"> <div style={{fontSize : 16, color : '#eb4034'}}>{this.state.error}</div> <LAMpoints info={this.infoHandler} SelectedAreaID = {this.areaHandler} selectedYear={this.yearHandler} selectedMonth={this.monthHandler} selectedDay={this.startDayNumberHandler} selectedEndDay= {this.endDaynumberHandler} ready = {this.isChildreadyHandler} endDayDisabled = {false} /> <Button type="button" className="my-1 mr-sm-2" id="drawGraph" onClick={this.buttonHandler} disabled={this.state.btnDisabled} block > {this.state.btnDisabled ? 'Loading ...' : 'Draw Graph'} </Button> <div style={{fontSize : 16, color : '#1878b5'}}> {this.state.message} <div hidden={!this.state.btnDisabled}> Loading {this.state.counter} of {interval+1} </div> </div> <div className="grid-item-info"> <h5>TMS Information:</h5> <Table striped size="sm" style={{fontSize:'16px', color:"#0077c7"}}> <tbody> <tr> <td> TMS ID: </td> <td>{id}</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Name: </td> <td>{name}</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Status: </td> <td>{status}</td> </tr> <tr> <td> Coordinates: </td> <td>{coordinates}</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Address: </td> <td>{address}</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Municipality: </td> <td>{municipality}</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Province: </td> <td>{province}</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Start Time: </td> <td>{startTime}</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Direction 1: </td> <td>{direction1}</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Direction 2: </td> <td>{direction2}</td> </tr> </tbody> </Table> </div> </div> <div className="grid-item-filter"> <Form style= {{width : "100%"}}> <Form.Label className="my-1 mr-2" htmlFor="inlineFormCustomSelectPref" > <h5>Filters:</h5> </Form.Label><br></br> <Form.Label className="my-1 mr-2" htmlFor="inlineFormCustomSelectPref" > vehicle Category </Form.Label> <Form.Control as="select" className="my-1 mr-sm-2" id="vehicleClass" custom onChange={this.vehicleClassHandler} disabled={this.state.toggleDisabled} > <option value="8">All</option> <option value="1">1 HA-PA (henkilö- tai pakettiauto)</option> <option value="2">2 KAIP (kuorma-auto ilman perävaunua)</option> <option value="3">3 Linja-autot</option> <option value="4">4 KAPP (kuorma-auto ja puoliperävaunu)</option> <option value="5">5 KATP (kuorma-auto ja täysperävaunu)</option> <option value="6">6 HA + PK (henkilöauto ja peräkärry)</option> <option value="7">7 HA + AV (henkilöauto ja asuntovaunu)</option> </Form.Control> <ButtonGroup size="sm" className="mb-2 " style={{width :"100%"}} hidden={this.state.toggleHide}> <Button type="button" className="my-4" id="direction1" onClick={this.trafficDirectionHandler} >Direction 1</Button> <Button type="button" className="my-4" id="direction2" onClick={this.trafficDirectionHandler} >Direction 2</Button> <Button style={{minWidth : 120 }} type="button" className="my-4" id="bothDirection" onClick={this.trafficDirectionHandler} >Both Direction</Button> </ButtonGroup> </Form> </div> <div className="grid-item-graph1"> <div className="grid-item-graph-child"> <Chart options={this.state.options} series={this.state.series} type="bar" width="500" /> </div> </div> <div className="grid-item-graph2"> <div className="grid-item-graph-child"> <Chart options={this.state.options2} series={this.state.series2} type="bar" width="500" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> ); } } export default MultipleDayGraph;