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--- a/RollABall/Assets/Template/Readme.asset
+++ b/RollABall/Assets/Template/Readme.asset
@@ -16,29 +16,43 @@ MonoBehaviour:
   title: Universal Render Pipeline Template
   - heading: Universal Render Pipeline
-    text: 'The Universal Project Template configures Project settings for Projects where performance, wide platform support, and ease of customizing graphics are the primary considerations.'
+    text: The Universal Project Template configures Project settings for Projects
+      where performance, wide platform support, and ease of customizing graphics
+      are the primary considerations.
-  - heading:
-    text: 'This Template uses the Universal Render Pipeline (URP) and Shader Graph.'
+  - heading: 
+    text: This Template uses the Universal Render Pipeline (URP) and Shader Graph.
-  - heading:
-    text: 'URP is prebuilt Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. URP also includes an optimized 2D renderer complete with 2D lights and pixel perfect rendering, and an integrated post-processing solution.'
+  - heading: 
+    text: URP is prebuilt Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize,
+      and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. URP
+      also includes an optimized 2D renderer complete with 2D lights and pixel perfect
+      rendering, and an integrated post-processing solution.
-  - heading:
-    text: 'Shader Graph is a tool that allows you to create shaders using a visual node editor instead of writing code.'
+  - heading: 
+    text: Shader Graph is a tool that allows you to create shaders using a visual
+      node editor instead of writing code.
   - heading: 
-    text: 'This template contains a sample Scene that contains examples of how to configure lighting settings, Materials, Shaders, and post-processing effects in URP, several preconfigured Universal Render Pipeline Assets that let you quickly swap between graphics quality levels, and Presets that have been optimized for use with URP.'
-    linkText:
-    url:
+    text: This template contains a sample Scene that contains examples of how to
+      configure lighting settings, Materials, Shaders, and post-processing effects
+      in URP, several preconfigured Universal Render Pipeline Assets that let you
+      quickly swap between graphics quality levels, and Presets that have been optimized
+      for use with URP.
+    linkText: 
+    url: 
   - heading: 
-    text: 'This template contains a sample Scene that contains examples of how to configure lighting settings, Materials, Shaders, and post-processing effects in URP, several preconfigured Universal Render Pipeline Assets that let you quickly swap between graphics quality levels, and Presets that have been optimized for use with URP.'
-    linkText:
-    url:
+    text: This template contains a sample Scene that contains examples of how to
+      configure lighting settings, Materials, Shaders, and post-processing effects
+      in URP, several preconfigured Universal Render Pipeline Assets that let you
+      quickly swap between graphics quality levels, and Presets that have been optimized
+      for use with URP.
+    linkText: 
+    url: 
   - heading: 
     text: 'To read more about URP and its built-in features, see the '
     linkText: URP documentation.
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@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ EditorBuildSettings:
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+    path: Assets/Template/Scenes/SampleScene.unity
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   m_configObjects: {}