diff --git a/test.robot b/test.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dc5839f79bb4d823a9bf9707c984182966c68a73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Library     SeleniumLibrary
+Library     Process
+Library     OperatingSystem
+*** Keywords ***
+Start Chrome
+    ${chrome_options}=    Evaluate    sys.modules['selenium.webdriver'].ChromeOptions()    sys, selenium.webdriver
+    Call Method    ${chrome_options}    add_argument    --no-sandbox
+    Create Webdriver    Chrome      chrome_options=${chrome_options}
+*** Test Cases ***
+Test Firefox
+    Open Browser   http://google.com    Firefox
+    Title Should Be     Google
+    Close Browser
+Test Chrome
+    Start Chrome
+    Go To   http://www.google.com
+    Title Should Be     Google
+    Close Browser
+Ping test
+    ${result} =     Run Process   ping -c 1   shell=True
+    Should Contain   ${result.stdout}     64 bytes from
+*** Test Case ***
+    Start Chrome
+    Go To        https://www.matkahuolto.fi/
+    Maximize Browser Window
+    title should be     Etusivu - Matkahuolto
+    #sleep  5
+    #Click Element           //input[@placeholder='Hae']
+    #Input Text      //input[@placeholder='Hae']  Helsinki
+    click element  //button[normalize-space()='Hyväksy evästeet']
+    click element    //a[normalize-space()='Hae aikatauluja']
+    sleep  5
+    click element       //h1[normalize-space()='Osta liput - hae aikataulut']
+    press keys  xpath=//body      TAB
+    #click element //input[@id='27a2e0bc-b8fa-462c-92c9-6678278726fe-dep']
+    press keys     none  h+e+l+s+i+n+k+i+TAB
+    sleep  2
+    sleep  2
+    press keys      none      T+a+m+p+e+r+e+TAB+TAB+TAB+TAB
+    #Input Text    //input[@id='477baa88-ed7f-4f3b-d646-faebc05ca97a-dep']  Helsinki
+    sleep  2
+    click element  //button[normalize-space()='Hae aikatauluja']
+    sleep  5
+    #click element  //input[@id='477baa88-ed7f-4f3b-d646-faebc05ca97a-arr']
+    #Input text     //input[@id='477baa88-ed7f-4f3b-d646-faebc05ca97a-arr'] Tampere
+    ${get text}     get text   //div[@data-select-connection-callback='selectConnection(theConnection)']
+    Log To Console  ${get text}
+    #Append to file    testi1.csv    ${get text} 
+    Close Browser
+  #END
+#${get_text}  Get WebElements  ${NAVIGATION}