Relaamo SOME community manager
General Offer
We would like to find a junior community manager who could take case of SOME activities + Enhance Discord usage among Relaamo and JAMK IT
Detailed Description
Map out the online channels where majority of Jamk's IT student body is active.
Tell what Relaamo is, take pictures and videos, tell what students can do there and what will happen on January or February.
List any other features or external factors that this feature depends on.
What is needed as solution (Delivered)
Short descriptive articles, pictures and videos for Instagram, Facebook and Elmo Intra, sent to Kaisa.
Who are stakeholders/contacts
Marko.rintamaki@jamk.fi_remove and kaisa.sulasalmi@jamk.fi_remove
Relevant links and/or screenshots
(Paste any relevant links)
Edited by AD7524