Architecture Course Laboratory Assignment Planning and Development
Task To Do
Please check Video in Finnish
Software Systems and Architecture course will need several assignments and there is need to build a setup for assingment on VLE system.
Detailed Description
A more in-depth explanation of the feature. This could include how the feature works, the problem it solves, and the value it adds to the software.
Use Case
An example of a situation where this feature would be used. This helps to illustrate the practical application of the feature.
User Interface
If applicable, describe any changes to the user interface that this feature will introduce. This could include new buttons, menus, or screens.
List any other features or external factors that this feature depends on.
Describe any limitations or constraints of the feature. This could include situations where the feature may not work as expected.
Future Enhancements
Discuss any potential future improvements or additions to the feature.
Who are stakeholders
Relevant links and/or screenshots
(Paste any relevant links)