# NOTE! Volume "conduit-db" and network "conduit-network" must be created before running "docker-compose up". # They can be created with the following commands: "docker volume create conduit-db" and "docker network create conduit-network". version: '3.3' services: mongo: image: mongo container_name: mongo-cont volumes: - conduit-db:/data/db restart: always backend: depends_on: - mongo image: gitlab.labranet.jamk.fi:4567/te-team1/conduit-backend:latest container_name: takakontti ports: - "8080:3000" restart: always environment: MONGODB_URI: mongodb://mongo-cont/conduitdb SECRET: kiasdasdfffdeedda frontend: image: gitlab.labranet.jamk.fi:4567/te-team1/conduit-frontend:latest container_name: fronttikontti ports: - "4100:4100" restart: always environment: REACT_APP_API_ROOT: https://corporation.devopskoulutus.net/api volumes: conduit-db: external: true networks: default: external: name: conduit-network