diff --git a/src/game/game.controller.ts b/src/game/game.controller.ts
index eafada8d82f28ff8a755d033f4363de604e0beea..bba49166a663fa07bfa4bcb75fbd3239a401564f 100644
--- a/src/game/game.controller.ts
+++ b/src/game/game.controller.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { Controller, Post, UseGuards, Body, Get, Param, UsePipes, Put } from '@nestjs/common';
+import { Controller, Post, UseGuards, Body, Get, Param, UsePipes, Put, Delete } from '@nestjs/common';
 import { GameService } from './game.service';
 import { AuthGuard } from '../shared/auth.guard';
@@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ export class GameController {
     @UseGuards(new AuthGuard())
     @UsePipes(new ValidationPipe())
-    async newGame(@User('id') person, @Body() body: CreateGameDTO ) {
+    async newGame(@User('id') person, @Body() body: GameDTO ) {
         return this.gameservice.createNewGame(person, body);
     @UseGuards(new AuthGuard())
     @UsePipes(new ValidationPipe())
-    async editGame(@Param('id') id: string, @Body() body: CreateGameDTO) {
+    async editGame(@Param('id') id: string, @Body() body: GameDTO) {
         return this.gameservice.editGame(id, body);
diff --git a/src/game/game.dto.ts b/src/game/game.dto.ts
index da61196a3325dd6aa314b63fe2a50c8bcfdbf147..45904f64d9443789a12e0e57c6c3cc3c9dbf73b9 100644
--- a/src/game/game.dto.ts
+++ b/src/game/game.dto.ts
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 import { IsNotEmpty, IsString, IsDate, Length, IsInt, Min, Max, IsArray, IsJSON } from 'class-validator';
 import { Timestamp } from 'typeorm';
-export class CreateGameDTO {
+export class GameDTO {
     @IsString() @IsNotEmpty() @Length(3, 30)
-    gameName: string;
+    name: string;
     gameDescription?: string;
diff --git a/src/game/game.entity.ts b/src/game/game.entity.ts
index 96004240926c9e9a698ec74d1c74641a2e612dfa..d4ffa1ad7766d939b10257d3a95f594f369a550a 100644
--- a/src/game/game.entity.ts
+++ b/src/game/game.entity.ts
@@ -5,8 +5,9 @@ import {
+  PrimaryColumn,
 } from 'typeorm';
-import { PersonEntity } from 'src/user/user.entity';
+import { PersonEntity, PersonRoleEntity } from 'src/user/user.entity';
 // table that stores all created games
@@ -18,12 +19,15 @@ export class GameEntity {
   @Column('json') map: JSON;
   @Column('timestamp') startdate: Timestamp;
   @Column('timestamp') enddate: Timestamp;
-  @Column("text", {array: true}) passwords: string[];
+  @ManyToOne(type => MapEntity, map => map.games)
+    gamemap: MapEntity;
   @OneToMany(type => FactionEntity, faction => faction.game)
   factions: FactionEntity[];
   @OneToMany(type => Game_PersonEntity, game_persons => game_persons.game)
   game_persons: Game_PersonEntity[];
+  @OneToMany(type => ObjectivePointEntity, objective_points => objective_points.game)
+  objective_points: ObjectivePointEntity[];
   gameObject() {
     const { id, name } = this;
@@ -31,18 +35,6 @@ export class GameEntity {
-// table that stores all factions created for games
-export class FactionEntity {
-  @PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') id: string;
-  @Column('text') name: string;
-  @ManyToOne(type => GameEntity, game => game.factions)
-  game: GameEntity;
-  @OneToMany(type => Game_PersonEntity, game_persons => game_persons.faction)
-  game_persons: Game_PersonEntity[];
 // table that stores players associated with particular game
 export class Game_PersonEntity {
@@ -81,4 +73,148 @@ export class ObjectivePoint_HistoryEntity {
     @ManyToOne(type => ObjectivePointEntity, objective_point => objective_point.op_history)
     objective_point: ObjectivePointEntity;
+// table that stores all factions created for games
+export class FactionEntity {
+  @PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') id: string;
+  @Column('text') name: string;
+  @ManyToOne(type => GameEntity, game => game.factions)
+  game: GameEntity;
+  @OneToMany(type => Game_PersonEntity, game_persons => game_persons.faction)
+  game_persons: Game_PersonEntity[];
+export class FactionEntity {
+    @PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') factionId: string;
+    @Column({type: 'text', unique: true}) factionName: string;
+    @Column({type: 'text'}) factionPassword: string;
+    @Column({type: 'float'}) multiplier: number;
+    @OneToMany(type => MapDrawingEntity, mapDrawings => mapDrawings.faction)
+    mapDrawings: MapDrawingEntity[];
+    @OneToMany(type => ScoreEntity, scores => scores.faction)
+    scores: ScoreEntity[];
+    @OneToMany(type => PowerUpEntity, powerUps => powerUps.factions)
+    powerUps: Faction_PowerUpEntity[];
+    @OneToMany(type => TaskEntity, tasks => tasks.faction)
+    tasks: TaskEntity[];
+    @OneToMany(type => Game_PersonEntity, game_persons => game_persons.faction)
+    game_persons: Game_PersonEntity[];
+    @ManyToOne(type => GameEntity, game => game.factions)
+    game: GameEntity;
+export class PowerUpEntity {
+    @PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') powerUpId: string;
+    @Column({type: 'text'}) powerUpName: string;
+    @Column({type: 'text'}) powerUpDescription: string;
+    @Column({type: 'int'}) amount: number;
+    @Column({type: 'time'}) cooldown: string;
+    @OneToMany(type => FactionEntity, factions => factions.powerUps)
+    factions: Faction_PowerUpEntity[];
+export class Faction_PowerUpEntity{
+    @PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') faction_powerUpId: string;
+    @ManyToOne(type => FactionEntity, faction => faction.powerUps)
+    faction: FactionEntity;
+    @ManyToOne(type => PowerUpEntity, powerUp => powerUp.factions)
+    powerUp: PowerUpEntity;
+    @OneToMany(type => FP_HistoryEntity, histories => histories.faction_PowerUp)
+    histories: FP_HistoryEntity[];
+export class FP_HistoryEntity{
+    @PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') historyId: string;
+    @Column({type: 'timestamp'}) historyTimeStamp: Timestamp;
+    @ManyToOne(type => Faction_PowerUpEntity, faction_PowerUp => faction_PowerUp.histories)
+    faction_PowerUp: Faction_PowerUpEntity;
+export class ScoreEntity {
+    @PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') scoreId: string;
+    @Column({type: 'float'}) score: number;
+    @Column({type: 'timestamp'}) scoreTimeStamp: Timestamp;
+    @ManyToOne(type => FactionEntity, factionName => factionName.scores)
+    faction: FactionEntity;
+export class TaskEntity {
+    @PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') taskId: string;
+    @Column({type: 'text'}) taskName: string;
+    @Column({type: 'text'}) taskDescription: string;
+    @Column({type: 'text'}) taskWinner: string;
+    @Column({type: 'bool'}) taskIsActive: boolean;
+    @ManyToOne(type => FactionEntity, faction => faction.tasks)
+    faction: FactionEntity;
+    @ManyToOne(type => PersonEntity, person => person.tasks)
+    person: PersonEntity;
+export class CoordinateEntity {
+    @PrimaryColumn({type: 'json', nullable: true}) features: JSON;
+    @OneToMany(type => MapDrawingEntity, mapDrawings => mapDrawings.mapDrawings_coordinates)
+    mapDrawings: MapDrawingEntity[];
+    @OneToMany(type => Game_PersonEntity, game_persons => game_persons.game_person_coordinates)
+    game_persons: Game_PersonEntity[];
+    @OneToMany(type => ObjectivePointEntity, objective_points => objective_points.coordinate)
+    objective_points: ObjectivePointEntity[];
+    @OneToMany(type => MapEntity, maps => maps.coordinate)
+    maps: ObjectivePointEntity[];
+export class MapEntity {
+    @PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') mapId: string;
+    @ManyToOne(type => CoordinateEntity, coordinate => coordinate.maps)
+    coordinate: CoordinateEntity;
+    @OneToMany(type => GameEntity, games => games.gamemap)
+    games: GameEntity[];
+    @OneToMany(type => MapDrawingEntity, mapDrawings => mapDrawings.map)
+    mapDrawings: MapDrawingEntity[];
+export class MapDrawingEntity {
+    @PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') mapDrawingId: string;
+    @Column({type: 'bool'}) drawingIsActive: boolean;
+    @Column({type: 'time'}) drawingValidTill: string;
+    @ManyToOne(type => CoordinateEntity, mapDrawings_coordinates => mapDrawings_coordinates.mapDrawings)
+    mapDrawings_coordinates: CoordinateEntity;
+    @ManyToOne(type => MapEntity, map => map.mapDrawings)
+    map: MapEntity;
+    @ManyToOne(type => MapDrawingTypeEntity, mapDrawingType => mapDrawingType.mapDrawings)
+    mapDrawingType: MapEntity;
+    @ManyToOne(type => FactionEntity, faction => faction.mapDrawings)
+    faction: FactionEntity;
+export class MapDrawingTypeEntity {
+    @PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') mapDrawingTypeId: string;
+    @Column({type: 'text'}) drawingTypeName: string;
+    @Column({type: 'text'}) drawingTypeDescription: string;
+    @OneToMany(type => MapDrawingEntity, mapDrawings => mapDrawings.mapDrawingType)
+    mapDrawings: MapDrawingEntity[];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/game/game.service.ts b/src/game/game.service.ts
index 2d06c6207cbfae44d44c2bdb1eee0b82333a251b..a3400dfa4881453221797fec972b8de45b1fa3d1 100644
--- a/src/game/game.service.ts
+++ b/src/game/game.service.ts
@@ -38,14 +38,14 @@ export class GameService {
   // edit already created game
-  async editGame(gameId: string, gameData: Partial<CreateGameDTO>) {
+  async editGame(id: string, gameData: Partial<GameDTO>) {
     try {
       // update game entry in db
       let update = await this.gameRepository.create({
         factions: gameData.factions
-      await this.gameRepository.update({ gameId }, update);
+      await this.gameRepository.update({ id }, update);
       // add the factions to db
       if (gameData.factions) {
         gameData.factions.map(async faction => {
@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ export class GameService {
     } catch (error) {console.log(error)}
-  async deleteGame(gameId) {
+  async deleteGame(id) {
     // TODO: Delete factions from Faction table associated with the deleted game
-    await this.gameRepository.delete({ gameId });
+    await this.gameRepository.delete({ id });
     return {
       message: 'Game deleted',
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ export class GameService {
     const game = await this.gameRepository.findOne({ where: { id: gameId } });
-    const index = game.passwords.indexOf(json.password);
+    //const index = game.passwords.indexOf(json.password);
     // create game_Person entry
 /*     const gamePerson = await this.game_PersonRepository.create({