From ade9ca1dbc8b0529f88d96e055f62876410c4162 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: L4168 <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2019 14:02:41 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] replay returns players, factions, scores

 src/replay/replay.service.ts | 151 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 111 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/replay/replay.service.ts b/src/replay/replay.service.ts
index 76803d5..43fc0ab 100644
--- a/src/replay/replay.service.ts
+++ b/src/replay/replay.service.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
 import { InjectRepository } from '@nestjs/typeorm';
-import { Repository } from 'typeorm';
+import { Repository, In } from 'typeorm';
 import * as jwt from 'jsonwebtoken';
 import { FactionEntity } from '../faction/faction.entity';
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ import {
 } from '../draw/coordinate.entity';
+import { ScoreService } from 'src/score/score.service';
+import { ScoreEntity } from 'src/score/score.entity';
 export class ReplayService {
@@ -27,12 +29,15 @@ export class ReplayService {
     private mapdrawingRepository: Repository<MapDrawingEntity>,
     private mapHistoryRepository: Repository<MapDrawingHistoryEntity>,
+    @InjectRepository(ScoreEntity)
+    private scoreRepository: Repository<ScoreEntity>,
     private trackingService: TrackingService,
     private userService: UserService,
     private factionService: FactionService,
+    private scoreService: ScoreService,
   ) {}
-  async replayData(gameId) {
+  /*   async replayData(gameId) {
     let mapDrawingIds = await this.mapdrawingRepository.find({
       where: { gameId: gameId },
       select: ['mapDrawingId'],
@@ -48,10 +53,12 @@ export class ReplayService {
     return drawings;
-  }
+  } */
-  // get replay data for players
-  async getPlayers(gameId) {
+  async replayData(gameId) {
+    //
+    // this block returs all player data from the game
+    //
     let playerdata = await this.trackingRepository.find({
       where: { game: gameId },
       relations: ['faction', 'gamepersonId', 'gamepersonId.person'],
@@ -70,68 +77,127 @@ export class ReplayService {
         return player['data'];
+    //
+    // this block return all faction data from the game
+    //
+    let factions = await this.factionRepository.find({ game: gameId });
+    let currentFactions = => {
+      return {
+        name: faction.factionName,
+        colour: faction.colour,
+        // all factions will be rendered on the map on default
+        active: true,
+      };
+    });
+    let factionIds = => faction.factionId);
+    //
+    // this block returns all score data from the game
+    //
+    let scores = await this.scoreRepository.find({
+      where: { faction: In(factionIds) },
+      relations: ['faction'],
+    });
+    let currentScore = => {
+      return {
+        score: score.score,
+        timestamp: score.scoreTimeStamp,
+        faction: score.faction['factionName'],
+      };
+    });
-    return currentdata;
+    return {
+      players: currentdata,
+      factions: currentFactions,
+      scores: currentScore,
+    };
   // generate mockdata for a 3 day game
+  // create x amount of players
+  // assign them to two separate factions
+  // assign them to three separate groups
+  // insert x amount of locations for each players around some lat lng area
+  // insert x amount of score ticks for score mockdata
+  // use the game's initial geojson to draw game area
+  //
   async mockdata(gameId) {
+    // initial settings for mockdata
+    // set the x amount of users to be created
+    const USER_AMOUNT = 100;
+    // set the x amount of locations to be created
+    const USER_LOCATIONS = 10;
+    // set the LAT and LNG for initial location
+    const LAT = 62.24147;
+    const LNG = 25.72088;
+    // set the score tick amount
+    const SCORE_TICKS = 10;
+    // setup the arrays for users, gamepersons and groups
     const users = [];
     const gamepersons = [];
+    const groups = [];
+    // characters for generating random usernames and the length of the username
+    const chars =
+      'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789';
+    const N = 15;
+    // used to equally divide the players to factions
+    let f = 0;
+    // get game info and factions associated with it
     const game = await this.gameRepository.findOne({
       where: { id: gameId },
       relations: ['factions'],
-    const groups = await this.factionService.showGroups(
-      game.factions[1].factionId,
-    );
-    for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
+    // get groups for all factions
+    await game.factions.forEach(async faction => {
+      groups.push(await this.factionService.showGroups(faction.factionId));
+    });
+    // create x amount of users for the mock game with random username
+    for (let i = 0; i < USER_AMOUNT; i++) {
       let res = await this.userService.register({
-        name: 'asdfasa' + i,
+        name: Array(N)
+          .join()
+          .split(',')
+          .map(function() {
+            return chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length));
+          })
+          .join(''),
         password: 'asd',
+      // get user information by verifying the token returned by register
       let user = await jwt.verify(res.token, process.env.SECRET);
+      // push the created user to users array
-      /*       let gameperson = await this.factionService.joinFaction(user['id'], {
-        factionId:
-          i < 10 ? game.factions[0].factionId : game.factions[1].factionId,
-        factionPassword:
-          i < 10
-            ? game.factions[0].factionPassword
-            : game.factions[1].factionPassword,
-        game: gameId,
-      }); */
+      // reset index if it's out of range
+      if (f === game.factions.length) f = 0;
+      // join faction with the created user
       let gameperson = await this.factionService.joinFaction(user['id'], {
-        factionId: game.factions[1].factionId,
-        factionPassword: game.factions[1].factionPassword,
+        factionId: game.factions[f].factionId,
+        factionPassword: game.factions[f].factionPassword,
         game: gameId,
+      // join a group randomly
       await this.factionService.joinGroup(gameperson, {
-        groupId: groups[Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)],
+        groupId: groups[f][Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)],
+      // push the gameperson ref to gamepersons array
+      f++;
-    let date: number =;
-    let y1 = 25.7;
-    let x1 = 62.0;
-    let y2 = 25.75;
-    let x2 = 62.05;
-    for (let i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
-      let x = 0;
-      date += 10000;
+    // push x amount of user locations
+    for (let i = 1; i < USER_LOCATIONS + 1; i++) {
+      let date: number =;
+      let x = 1;
       await Promise.all( gameperson => {
-          x++;
+          // format player locations with x-modifier that same factions are closer to each other
+          if (x > game.factions.length) x = 1;
           let dataObject = {
-            lat:
-              x < 50
-                ? x1 + ((i + Math.random()) * 5) / 2000
-                : x2 - ((i + Math.random()) * 5) / 2000,
-            lng:
-              x < 50
-                ? y1 + ((i + Math.random()) * 5) / 2000
-                : y2 - ((i + Math.random()) * 5) / 2000,
+            lat: LAT + ((i + Math.random()) * 5) / 2000,
+            lng: LNG + x / 100 + (Math.random() * 5) / 2000,
             time: date,
+          x++;
+          // push the tracking data
           await this.trackingService.trackLocation(
@@ -140,6 +206,11 @@ export class ReplayService {
+    // generate x-amount of score tick
+    for (let i = 0; i < SCORE_TICKS; i++) {
+      await this.scoreService.scoreTick(gameId);
+    }
     return {
       message: 'all done',