diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json
index 05c4c11f6797b7d67226fa03b30c6327b6fe9c69..c6bfaf63ff60d9ba6ef0d81078edfef578544910 100644
--- a/package-lock.json
+++ b/package-lock.json
@@ -3146,12 +3146,14 @@
         "balanced-match": {
           "version": "1.0.0",
           "bundled": true,
-          "dev": true
+          "dev": true,
+          "optional": true
         "brace-expansion": {
           "version": "1.1.11",
           "bundled": true,
           "dev": true,
+          "optional": true,
           "requires": {
             "balanced-match": "^1.0.0",
             "concat-map": "0.0.1"
@@ -3166,17 +3168,20 @@
         "code-point-at": {
           "version": "1.1.0",
           "bundled": true,
-          "dev": true
+          "dev": true,
+          "optional": true
         "concat-map": {
           "version": "0.0.1",
           "bundled": true,
-          "dev": true
+          "dev": true,
+          "optional": true
         "console-control-strings": {
           "version": "1.1.0",
           "bundled": true,
-          "dev": true
+          "dev": true,
+          "optional": true
         "core-util-is": {
           "version": "1.0.2",
@@ -3293,7 +3298,8 @@
         "inherits": {
           "version": "2.0.3",
           "bundled": true,
-          "dev": true
+          "dev": true,
+          "optional": true
         "ini": {
           "version": "1.3.5",
@@ -3305,6 +3311,7 @@
           "version": "1.0.0",
           "bundled": true,
           "dev": true,
+          "optional": true,
           "requires": {
             "number-is-nan": "^1.0.0"
@@ -3319,6 +3326,7 @@
           "version": "3.0.4",
           "bundled": true,
           "dev": true,
+          "optional": true,
           "requires": {
             "brace-expansion": "^1.1.7"
@@ -3326,12 +3334,14 @@
         "minimist": {
           "version": "0.0.8",
           "bundled": true,
-          "dev": true
+          "dev": true,
+          "optional": true
         "minipass": {
           "version": "2.3.5",
           "bundled": true,
           "dev": true,
+          "optional": true,
           "requires": {
             "safe-buffer": "^5.1.2",
             "yallist": "^3.0.0"
@@ -3350,6 +3360,7 @@
           "version": "0.5.1",
           "bundled": true,
           "dev": true,
+          "optional": true,
           "requires": {
             "minimist": "0.0.8"
@@ -3430,7 +3441,8 @@
         "number-is-nan": {
           "version": "1.0.1",
           "bundled": true,
-          "dev": true
+          "dev": true,
+          "optional": true
         "object-assign": {
           "version": "4.1.1",
@@ -3442,6 +3454,7 @@
           "version": "1.4.0",
           "bundled": true,
           "dev": true,
+          "optional": true,
           "requires": {
             "wrappy": "1"
@@ -3563,6 +3576,7 @@
           "version": "1.0.2",
           "bundled": true,
           "dev": true,
+          "optional": true,
           "requires": {
             "code-point-at": "^1.0.0",
             "is-fullwidth-code-point": "^1.0.0",
diff --git a/src/game/faction.entity.ts b/src/game/faction.entity.ts
index 891421d3a41315549a9e589ef87ce1f22a9abc84..b0a99df8f152d4572ba528cc8149a8d0021beac7 100644
--- a/src/game/faction.entity.ts
+++ b/src/game/faction.entity.ts
@@ -1,95 +1,94 @@
 import {
-    Entity,
-    Column,
-    PrimaryGeneratedColumn,
-    OneToMany,
-    ManyToOne,
-    Timestamp,
-  } from 'typeorm';
-  import { GameEntity } from './game.entity';
-  import { Game_PersonEntity } from './game.entity';
-  import { MapDrawingEntity } from './coordinate.entity';
-  //Faction, PowerUp, Faction_powerUp, FP_History, Score, Task
-  @Entity('Faction')
-  export class FactionEntity {
-    @PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') factionId: string;
-    @Column({ type: 'text', unique: true }) factionName: string;
-    @Column({ type: 'text' }) factionPassword: string;
-    @Column({ type: 'float' }) multiplier: number;
-    @OneToMany(type => MapDrawingEntity, mapDrawings => mapDrawings.faction)
-    mapDrawings: MapDrawingEntity[];
-    @OneToMany(type => ScoreEntity, scores => scores.faction)
-    scores: ScoreEntity[];
-    @OneToMany(type => PowerUpEntity, powerUps => powerUps.factions)
-    powerUps: Faction_PowerUpEntity[];
-    @OneToMany(type => TaskEntity, tasks => tasks.faction)
-    tasks: TaskEntity[];
-    @OneToMany(type => Game_PersonEntity, game_persons => game_persons.faction)
-    game_persons: Game_PersonEntity[];
-    @ManyToOne(type => GameEntity, game => game.factions)
-    game: GameEntity;
-  }
-  @Entity('PowerUp')
-  export class PowerUpEntity {
-    @PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') powerUpId: string;
-    @Column({ type: 'text' }) powerUpName: string;
-    @Column({ type: 'text' }) powerUpDescription: string;
-    @Column({ type: 'int' }) amount: number;
-    @Column({ type: 'time' }) cooldown: string;
-    @OneToMany(type => FactionEntity, factions => factions.powerUps)
-    factions: Faction_PowerUpEntity[];
-  }
-  @Entity('Faction_PowerUp')
-  export class Faction_PowerUpEntity {
-    @PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') faction_powerUpId: string;
-    @ManyToOne(type => FactionEntity, faction => faction.powerUps)
-    faction: FactionEntity;
-    @ManyToOne(type => PowerUpEntity, powerUp => powerUp.factions)
-    powerUp: PowerUpEntity;
-    @OneToMany(type => FP_HistoryEntity, histories => histories.faction_PowerUp)
-    histories: FP_HistoryEntity[];
-  }
-  @Entity('FP_History')
-  export class FP_HistoryEntity {
-    @PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') historyId: string;
-    @Column({ type: 'timestamp' }) historyTimeStamp: Timestamp;
-    @ManyToOne(
-      type => Faction_PowerUpEntity,
-      faction_PowerUp => faction_PowerUp.histories,
-    )
-    faction_PowerUp: Faction_PowerUpEntity;
-  }
-  @Entity('Score')
-  export class ScoreEntity {
-    @PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') scoreId: string;
-    @Column({ type: 'float' }) score: number;
-    @Column({ type: 'timestamp' }) scoreTimeStamp: Timestamp;
-    @ManyToOne(type => FactionEntity, factionName => factionName.scores)
-    faction: FactionEntity;
-  }
-  @Entity('Task')
-  export class TaskEntity {
-    @PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') taskId: string;
-    @Column({ type: 'text' }) taskName: string;
-    @Column({ type: 'text' }) taskDescription: string;
-    @Column({ type: 'text' }) taskWinner: string;
-    @Column({ type: 'bool' }) taskIsActive: boolean;
-    @ManyToOne(type => FactionEntity, faction => faction.tasks)
-    faction: FactionEntity;
-/*     @ManyToOne(type => PersonEntity, person => person.tasks)
+  Entity,
+  Column,
+  PrimaryGeneratedColumn,
+  OneToMany,
+  ManyToOne,
+  Timestamp,
+} from 'typeorm';
+import { GameEntity } from './game.entity';
+import { Game_PersonEntity } from './game.entity';
+import { MapDrawingEntity } from './coordinate.entity';
+//Faction, PowerUp, Faction_powerUp, FP_History, Score, Task
+export class FactionEntity {
+  @PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') factionId: string;
+  @Column('text') factionName: string;
+  @Column({ type: 'text' }) factionPassword: string;
+  @Column({ type: 'float' }) multiplier: number;
+  @OneToMany(type => MapDrawingEntity, mapDrawings => mapDrawings.faction)
+  mapDrawings: MapDrawingEntity[];
+  @OneToMany(type => ScoreEntity, scores => scores.faction)
+  scores: ScoreEntity[];
+  @OneToMany(type => PowerUpEntity, powerUps => powerUps.factions)
+  powerUps: Faction_PowerUpEntity[];
+  @OneToMany(type => TaskEntity, tasks => tasks.faction)
+  tasks: TaskEntity[];
+  @OneToMany(type => Game_PersonEntity, game_persons => game_persons.faction)
+  game_persons: Game_PersonEntity[];
+  @ManyToOne(type => GameEntity, game => game.factions)
+  game: GameEntity;
+export class PowerUpEntity {
+  @PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') powerUpId: string;
+  @Column({ type: 'text' }) powerUpName: string;
+  @Column({ type: 'text' }) powerUpDescription: string;
+  @Column({ type: 'int' }) amount: number;
+  @Column({ type: 'time' }) cooldown: string;
+  @OneToMany(type => FactionEntity, factions => factions.powerUps)
+  factions: Faction_PowerUpEntity[];
+export class Faction_PowerUpEntity {
+  @PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') faction_powerUpId: string;
+  @ManyToOne(type => FactionEntity, faction => faction.powerUps)
+  faction: FactionEntity;
+  @ManyToOne(type => PowerUpEntity, powerUp => powerUp.factions)
+  powerUp: PowerUpEntity;
+  @OneToMany(type => FP_HistoryEntity, histories => histories.faction_PowerUp)
+  histories: FP_HistoryEntity[];
+export class FP_HistoryEntity {
+  @PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') historyId: string;
+  @Column({ type: 'timestamp' }) historyTimeStamp: Timestamp;
+  @ManyToOne(
+    type => Faction_PowerUpEntity,
+    faction_PowerUp => faction_PowerUp.histories,
+  )
+  faction_PowerUp: Faction_PowerUpEntity;
+export class ScoreEntity {
+  @PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') scoreId: string;
+  @Column({ type: 'float' }) score: number;
+  @Column({ type: 'timestamp' }) scoreTimeStamp: Timestamp;
+  @ManyToOne(type => FactionEntity, factionName => factionName.scores)
+  faction: FactionEntity;
+export class TaskEntity {
+  @PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') taskId: string;
+  @Column({ type: 'text' }) taskName: string;
+  @Column({ type: 'text' }) taskDescription: string;
+  @Column({ type: 'text' }) taskWinner: string;
+  @Column({ type: 'bool' }) taskIsActive: boolean;
+  @ManyToOne(type => FactionEntity, faction => faction.tasks)
+  faction: FactionEntity;
+  /*     @ManyToOne(type => PersonEntity, person => person.tasks)
     person: PersonEntity; */
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/game/game.dto.ts b/src/game/game.dto.ts
index a5d43f5d624a7ff690d2a5e6fa6e2db4d45eaed1..ea5c2e9dcdc1156eceb7c73791db06448443d1a5 100644
--- a/src/game/game.dto.ts
+++ b/src/game/game.dto.ts
@@ -8,19 +8,16 @@ import {
+  IsDateString,
 } from 'class-validator';
 import { Timestamp } from 'typeorm';
+import { ObjectivePointEntity } from './game.entity';
 export class GameDTO {
   @Length(3, 30)
   name: string;
-  @IsString()
-  gameDescription?: string;
-  @IsDate()
   @Length(1, 255)
   desc: string;
@@ -40,24 +37,16 @@ export class GameDTO {
   // custom validation for array length (arr>min, arr<max)
   //@Validate(ArrayLength, [4, 8])
   factions?: FactionDTO[];
-  @IsArray()
-  @IsNotEmpty()
-  objectivePoint?: ObjectivePointDTO[];
-  @IsJSON()
-  @IsNotEmpty()
-  mapCoordinates: JSON;
 export class FactionDTO {
   @Length(2, 15)
-  name: string;
-  id: string;
+  factionName: string;
+  factionPassword: string;
+  multiplier: number;
   game: GameDTO;
-  password: string;
 export class GameGroupDTO {
diff --git a/src/game/game.entity.ts b/src/game/game.entity.ts
index 33b0a3acb8961a30dfad185fe42ca7903f2b2a47..0ef442c04c6d4b2cf6b6f6089c045fb1b88aad51 100644
--- a/src/game/game.entity.ts
+++ b/src/game/game.entity.ts
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ export class GameEntity {
   objective_points: ObjectivePointEntity[];
   gameObject() {
     const { id, name } = this;
     return { id, name };
@@ -55,14 +54,14 @@ export class Game_PersonEntity {
   @ManyToOne(type => PersonEntity, person => person.game_persons)
   person: PersonEntity;
   @OneToOne(type => GameGroupEntity, group => group.leader, {
-    onDelete: 'CASCADE'
+    onDelete: 'CASCADE',
-  @JoinColumn({name: 'leaderGroup'})
+  @JoinColumn({ name: 'leaderGroup' })
   leaderGroup: GameGroupEntity;
   @ManyToOne(type => GameGroupEntity, group => group.players, {
-    onDelete: 'CASCADE'
+    onDelete: 'CASCADE',
-  @JoinColumn({name: 'group'})
+  @JoinColumn({ name: 'group' })
   group: GameGroupEntity;
diff --git a/src/game/game.service.ts b/src/game/game.service.ts
index 8dbc824e5d91b2ec9d9e1da54cbdd90a53e1ea96..ec89d51b81276bc07ef1a282b2f4329428013049 100644
--- a/src/game/game.service.ts
+++ b/src/game/game.service.ts
@@ -54,42 +54,43 @@ export class GameService {
   // edit already created game
   async editGame(id: string, gameData: GameDTO) {
-    // checks if a game with the same name exists already
-    const { name } = gameData;
-    if (await this.gameRepository.findOne({ name: name, id: Not(id) })) {
-      throw new HttpException('Game already exists', HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
-    }
-    // update game entry in db
-    const updatedGame = await this.gameRepository.create({
-      ...gameData,
-      factions: gameData.factions,
-    });
-    updatedGame['id'] = id;
-    const gameId = await this.gameRepository.save(updatedGame);
-    // get all the factions that are associated with the game to deny duplicate entries
-    const factions = await this.factionRepository.find({
-      select: ['factionName'],
-      where: { game: gameId },
-    });
-    const factionNames = factions.map(({ factionName }) => factionName);
-    // add the factions to db
-    if (gameData.factions) {
-      gameData.factions.map(async faction => {
-        if (!Object.values(factionNames).includes(faction.name)) {
-          let name = await this.factionRepository.create({
-            ...faction,
-            game: gameId,
-          });
-          await this.factionRepository.insert(name);
-        }
+    try {
+      // checks if a game with the same name exists already
+      const { name } = gameData;
+      if (await this.gameRepository.findOne({ name: name, id: Not(id) })) {
+        throw new HttpException('Game already exists', HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
+      }
+      // update game entry in db
+      const updatedGame = await this.gameRepository.create({
+        ...gameData,
+        factions: null,
-    }
+      updatedGame['id'] = id;
+      const gameId = await this.gameRepository.save(updatedGame);
+      // get all the factions that are associated with the game to deny duplicate entries
+      const factions = await this.factionRepository.find(gameId);
+      const factionNames = factions.map(({ factionName }) => factionName);
+      console.log(factionNames);
+      // add the factions to db
+      if (gameData.factions) {
+        gameData.factions.map(async faction => {
+          if (!Object.values(factionNames).includes(faction.factionName)) {
+            let name = await this.factionRepository.create({
+              ...faction,
+              game: gameId,
+            });
+            await this.factionRepository.insert(name);
+          }
+        });
+      }
-    return {
-      message: 'Game updated',
-    };
+      return {
+        message: 'Game updated',
+      };
+    } catch (error) {
+      return error;
+    }
   async deleteGame(id) {