# USER STORY: As a < type of user >, I want < some goal > so that < some reason > 

* Update Issue topic according your story
* Do priorization and weight setting with a team
* Describe a need from customer point of view. 
* Why this is needed? 

## Linked Requirements & Use Cases? 

* [Link to requirements]()
* [Link to Use Case]()
* [Link to other material]

## Definition of Done

[Link to common definition of done description](DOD.md)

- [ ] Implemented
- [ ] Pair Reviewed
- [ ] Tested
- [ ] Documents updated
- [ ] ? other

## Acceptance Criterias

- [ ] Check if...
- [ ] Check also...
- [ ] Check if...
- [ ] Check if... test case [Link to test case]()
- [ ] Check if...

/label ~"User Story"
/milestone Backlog