#If given number is evenly divisible by 3, print Divisible by 3.
#If given number is evenly divisible by 5, print Divisible by 5.
#If given number is evenly divisible by 7, print Divisible by 7.
#If given number is not evenly divisible by 3, 5 or 7, find smallest value (excluding 1) that number is evenly divisible for and print that value to the output.
user_input=IO.gets("Give a number: ")
trimmed_input=String.trim(user_input)#user input trimmed version without blank spaces etc.
number=String.to_integer(trimmed_input)#number is the trimmed user input string changed into integer
case{rem(number,3),rem(number,5),rem(number,7)}do# I use case - do to handle the conditions comparing against given patterns
{0,_,_}->IO.puts("Divisible by 3")
{_,0,_}->IO.puts("Divisible by 5")
{_,_,0}->IO.puts("Divisible by 7")
smallest_divisor=Enum.find(2..number-1,&rem(number,&1)==0)||number#if cases above do not match, the smallest value (excluding 1) that number is evenly divisible for is searched with enum
IO.puts("Smallest divisor for #{number} is: #{smallest_divisor}")#smallest divisor value is printed
#Part 2
#Write an anonymous function that takes two parameters:
#Use a guard to check if both parameters are a string type. If so, return a combined string of the parameters.
#If parameters are not strings, return the addition result of the parameters.
#Test your anonymous function with string and number parameters and print the results.
string_or_number=fn#anonymous function that has guards
a,bwhenis_binary(a)andis_binary(b)->a<>b#if both are string type, strings are combined
a,b->a+b#if they are not strings, they are added
_->IO.puts"The given values are neither both strings or both integers."