## Environment
This uses the Miniconda environment. To prepare a personalized environment you will need to install the following:
conda create --name "env name" python=3.9 -y
conda activate "env name"
conda install -c conda-forge cudatoolkit=11.2 cudnn=8.1.0 -y
pip install "tensorflow<2.11"
pip install jupyter notebook
pip install "keras"
conda install pillow
conda install scipy
> Note the flag *-y* is optional to use
jupyter notebook --notebook-dir='your working directory'
> again --notebook-dir='your working directory' is optional if you have configured it beforehand.
### Reopening the environment
After opening the anaconda prompt, you can follow these commands to navigate back to your environment.
#### List all created environments
conda info --envs
#### Opening commands
conda activate "env name"
jupyter notebook --notebook-dir='your working directory'
#### Drawing images
To see what images are used you can use matplot to draw them and verify
#### Flask
Displaying the stream into a webapp.
pip install Flask