Thesis idea
This uses the Miniconda environment. To prepare a personalized environment you will need to install the following:
conda create --name "env name" python=3.9 -y
conda activate "env name"
conda install -c conda-forge cudatoolkit=11.2 cudnn=8.1.0 -y
pip install "tensorflow<2.11"
pip install jupyter notebook
pip install "keras"
conda install pillow
conda install scipy
Note the flag -y is optional to use
jupyter notebook --notebook-dir='your working directory'
again --notebook-dir='your working directory' is optional if you have configured it beforehand.
Reopening the environment
After opening the anaconda prompt, you can follow these commands to navigate back to your environment.
List all created environments
conda info --envs
Opening commands
conda activate "env name"
jupyter notebook --notebook-dir='your working directory'
Drawing images
To see what images are used you can use matplot to draw them and verify
conda install matplotlib
Displaying the stream into a webapp.
pip install Flask