Your application should contain all the necessary features of a hospital booking business. Below are some example use cases and models that you might need.
### **Hospital Location**
A place where patients can book appointments and receive treatment.
### **Doctor**
Different doctor properties like: name, specialization, experience, consultation fees, available timings, location, patient reviews, etc.
### **Patient**
A patient is a person who will book an appointment with a doctor at your hospital. You need to plan what the patient can do in your hospital booking app.
#### **Example Use Cases:**
- Can register and unregister (removes all patient data)
- Can update own data (phone, email, medical history, etc.)
- Can see a list of available doctors in a selected hospital/location
- Can see details of a selected doctor (name, specialization, consultation fees, available timings, reviews, etc.)
- Can see a list of past appointments with statistics (total visits, total amount spent, etc.)
- Can book an appointment with a doctor
- Can cancel an appointment
- Can leave a review for a doctor (date, patient name, doctor, feedback, etc.)
### **Receptionist**
A receptionist is an employee working at the hospital who handles patient bookings and cancellations.
#### **Example Use Cases:**
- Can update own data (name, phone, etc.)
- Can add/remove/update doctor details (name, specialization, fees, availability, etc.)
- Can see a list of all doctors
- Can filter doctors based on different parameters (specialization, available today, fees, etc.)
- Can accept or reject appointment requests
- Can see a list of past appointments
- Can see details of a selected doctor (all doctor details, list of treated patients, reviews, etc.)
- Can lock a patient from the system (needs to contact the hospital again to unlock)
- Can see different statistics with graphs:
- Total appointments booked
- Most frequently booked doctors
- Patient visit trends
### **Hospital Director**
The hospital director oversees hospital operations and finances.
#### **Example Use Cases:**
- All that a receptionist can do
- Can add a new receptionist
- Can remove a receptionist
- Can view more financial details (total earnings from consultations, highest-earning doctors, etc.)
- Can update own details (name, phone, etc.)
### **Hospital Administration**
Use hospital details in your app's About page.
#### **Example Information:**
- List of hospital directors
- List of receptionists
- Basic information about the hospital (location, contact details, services offered, etc.)
### **Admin (Super User)**
The root user of the system who has full control over all features.
#### **Example Use Cases:**
- Can do/see/use all the features in the system
- Can add a new hospital director
- Can remove a hospital director
- Can reset the entire system (**USE WITH CAUTION!**)