# Git version control ja Gitlab project management environment - TTZW0410 - 1 ECTS
# Git version control ja Gitlab project management environment - TT00CD61 - 2 ECTS
On this course we study how Git version control and Gitlab project/repository management environment are used. Git has become the 'de facto' tool for source code version control and these practices can be used on any field of education.
**Note!** This material has mostly been made in 2018 with slight updates in the August of 2020. Video's have been renewed for the english language implementation in 2021. In 2023, the web gui of Gitlab was updated causing the renewal of texts and screenshots, but not the videos (as basically the buttons just changed places).
**Note!** This material has mostly been made in 2018 with slight updates in the August of 2020. Video's have been renewed for the english language implementation in 2021. In 2023, the web gui of Gitlab was updated causing the renewal of texts and screenshots, but not the videos (as basically the buttons just changed places). The update work will continue in the fall of 2024.
The objectives and pre-requisites for the course you can read from [the course description in Peppi](https://opetussuunnitelmat.peppi.jamk.fi/en/TTV2020SS/course_unit/TTZW0410). Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process can be done according to [JAMK's instructions](https://studyguide.jamk.fi/en/study-guide-bachelors-degrees/studying-at-jamk/recognition-of-prior-learning-and-experience/).
The objectives and pre-requisites for the course you can read from [the course description in Peppi](https://opetussuunnitelmat.peppi.jamk.fi/48/fi/59/5290/1129/0/53846?lang=en). Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process can be done according to [JAMK's instructions](https://www.jamk.fi/en/for-students/degree-student/recognition-of-prior-learning-and-experience).
## Timetable
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ The course can be found from the study plan of Information and Communications Te
If necessary you can resort to [Peppi student guide.](https://oppimateriaalit.jamk.fi/peppi/en/studies/enrollment-for-course-implementations/)
If necessary you can resort to [Peppi student guide.](https://help.jamk.fi/peppi/fi/opintoni/ilmoittautumiset-opintojaksojen-toteutuksille/)
### Students of CampusOnline
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ The study material is distributed through:
- Gitlab repository export file, which can be downloaded from the [Moodle -workspace](https://moodle.jamk.fi). The file includes used material and source references.
Discussions and virtual support:
- Login with your @student.jamk.fi -account to [Microsoft Teams](https://teams.microsoft.com) and join a open team `TTZW0410 Git -versionhallinta ja Gitlab -projektien hallintaympäristö` (sorry for the finnish name, you can discuss in english also)
- You can also send email, if necessary to karo.saharinen@jamk.fi
- Login with your @student.jamk.fi -account to [Microsoft Teams](https://teams.microsoft.com) and join a open team `Git version control and GitLab project management environment`
- You can also send email, if necessary to juho.pekki@jamk.fi
### Instructions for starting the course
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ The course can be done either in:
On the course the student returns:
-**1 ECTS:** Student does all the necessary assignments and afterwards adds @sahka as a member of the repository (with Maintainer -rights). This is the last assignment of the last assignment.
-**2 ECTS:** Student does all the necessary assignments and afterwards adds @pekkju as a member of the repository (with Maintainer rights). This is the last part of the last assignment.
The returned repositories are evaluated as Passed / Not Passed.