On this course we study how Git version control and Gitlab project/repository management environment are used. Git has become the 'de facto' tool for source code version control and these practices can be used on any field of education.
This material has mostly been made in 2018 with slight updates in the August of 2020. Video's have been renewed for the english language implementation in 2021.
**Note!**This material has mostly been made in 2018 with slight updates in the August of 2020. Video's have been renewed for the english language implementation in 2021.**Update 11.9.2023:** Apparently 16.0 version brought a new graphical user interface to the webpges of gitlab (web front-end). Things can mainly be found, but have changed places quite a lot. I have no time to renew my videos on this short notice. Thus, you have to find the places yourselves a bit. Unfortunate that this took place at the start of the semester, but our LabraNet installs these updates because of (cyber) security.