* ELY = ELY-L area number in 2 digits. Area numbers can be found from the address : http://www.tilastokeskus.fi/meta/luokitukset/ely/001-2019/index.html
01 Uusimaa (contains also: Häme)
02 Varsinais-Suomi (contains also: Satakunta)
03 Kaakkois-Suomi
04 Pirkanmaa
08 Pohjois-Savo (contains also: Etelä-Savo and Pohjois-Karjala)
09 Keski-Suomi
10 Etelä-Pohjanmaa (contains also: Pohjanmaa)
12 Pohjois-Pohjanmaa (contains also: Kainuu)
14 Lappi
* lam_id = LAM point ID
* yearshort = 2 last digits of year
* day_number = day number from beginning of the year
### Output file description
The output file will be in CSV format, where the its headings are as follow: