## OPF- Releases 0.9.5 - 5.10.2021
* Translation progressing 90 %
* Lot's of small changes around requirement specification
* Reorganization of requirement specification
* Translation of english document templates progressing 85 %
* Lot's of fixed in requirement specification template
* Some fixing aroudn image.
* Rename of project template
## OPF- Releases 0.9.3
* Small fixes and tuning for TE-course
## OPF- Releases 0.9.1
Changes 5.1.2021
* Short requirement specification updated
* Project plan updated and reorganized
* Added OWL images for
Changes 24.11.2020
* New issue color lay out implemented
* New Logo deployed
* Black default outlook enabled
* Lot of document fixes
* Removed obsolote videos form requirement specification
* Short requiment specification created
* Document layout and images fixed
Changes 20.11.2020
* Updated latest page-theme with PlantUML support
Open Project Plaform Core for Virtual Companu
Changes 29.1.2020
* Marketing and contracts folder added for finnish version
Changes 9.9.2019
* New table of content list
* Finnish version of requirement specification updated
* MkDocks updated
Changes 3.6.2019
* Moved finish document version as baseline from ttos0800+ttos0900 opf repo
* Removed mermaid support
* Added support for Plant UML
* Export of TTOS0800+TTOS0900 version
* Waiting for edits...
Known issues
* Finish versions of files..