Marko Rintamäki authoredMarko Rintamäki authored
- Template - Architecture Design of Solution
- Architecture and technical solutions
- Introduction
- Overview
- Technologies used
- Descriptions of product development environments
- Tools used and their version numbers
- The most important technical solutions on which the product relies
- General software architecture
- Interfaces
- Description of the execution environment (production)
- Database descriptions (Databases as ER-diagram)
Template - Architecture Design of Solution
- Version number:
- Classification: (Secret / Public etc ..)
- Responsible person:
Architecture and technical solutions
This document is a "living" document that is constantly updated. In its current form, it is only a rough framework that "can" be used as a basis for technical documentation of projects. The structure can and must be modified! The goal is to create a document that seamlessly integrates the design documentation with the rest of the project documentation. The author assumes no responsibility for the content of this document.
- Introduction to the document ..
- Briefly introduce the product or item
- The task of this document is to give the next developer, for example, an understanding of how the product has been implemented (Source code alone is not enough)
- What kind of tools and environments are needed if you plan to develop the product further
Technologies used
- JAVA / Java Script?
- HABA language
- Reasons why!
Descriptions of product development environments
Describe at least the following:
- Development environment
- Test environment
- Execution environment
- Demo environment
In other words, how have those different environments been implemented in the project
Tools used and their version numbers
- Translator for xyz v1.0.1
- debugger zky v2.05
- Firefox 123
- Reasons why!
The most important technical solutions on which the product relies
- Used libraries / frameworks (JQuery v 23456, JAVA EE 8 + Spring ZZZ, React IO)
- Other jips and gimmicks
- Reasons why!
General software architecture
- Services
- [Example of living life] (https://virkailija.opintopolku.fi/koodisto-service/swagger/index.html)
Description of the execution environment (production)
- How the product is run in production
- Deployment diagram
Database descriptions (Databases as ER-diagram)
When defining a service, it is common to describe the rough structure of the required data warehouse, eg in the form of an ER diagram. This gives an idea of what kind of solution is needed. You can apply PlantUML description to generate an ER diagram.