* the institution can add courses [Feature 5](), manage accounts [Feature 12]() and collect data from the above options [Feature 15]() + [Feature 18]()
* the institution can add courses [Feature 5](), manage accounts [Feature 12]() and collect data from the above options [Feature 15]() + [Feature 18]()
* students can make course choices from courses set by the institution [Feature 2]()
* students can make course choices from courses set by the institution [Feature 2]()
**A more detailed description can be found in [requirements specification](../../20-Requirement-management/wide-requirement-specification.md)**
**A more detailed description can be found in [requirements specification](../../20-Requirement-management/wide-requirement-specification.md)**
## 2. Objectives, requirements and proposed solutions
## 2. Objectives, requirements and proposed solutions