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Commit 787a1c02 authored by Samuli Virtapohja's avatar Samuli Virtapohja
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merge development to access

parents f7d55d7e 39308d36
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2 merge requests!59Development to master,!18Join game
with 936 additions and 455 deletions
......@@ -38,10 +38,37 @@ Name .env.example to .env and ormconfig.json.example to ormconfig.json and add v
**.env names are case sensitive!**
Needed postgresql modules:
**Configuring a database with Docker for this application:**
# Inside the database that you're connecting to:
# first run
docker run --name postgis -p 5432:5432 -d -v /home/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data mdillon/postgis
# stopping the container
docker stop postgis
# starting the container
docker start postgis
# you can also have the container boot on computer startup with --restart option
# for example:
docker run --name postgis -p 5432:5432 -d -v /home/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data --restart=always mdillon/postgis
# starting bash inside the container
docker exec -it postgis bash
# connecting to the postgis service inside docker
psql -U postgres
# Inside the database:
# Creating database
create database ehasa;
# Connect to created database
\c ehasa;
# Create user for database
create user ehasa
alter user ehasa with encrypted password 'salasana';
# Give privileges to use database
grant all privileges on database ehasa to ehasa;
# Needed extensions
create extension "uuid-ossp";
# exit postgis
## Running the app
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ services:
- 5000:5000
image: postgres
image: mdillon/postgis
- /home/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data
This diff is collapsed.
import { Test, TestingModule } from '@nestjs/testing';
import { AppController } from './app.controller';
import { AppService } from './app.service';
describe('AppController', () => {
let appController: AppController;
beforeEach(async () => {
const app: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({
controllers: [AppController],
providers: [AppService],
appController = app.get<AppController>(AppController);
describe('root', () => {
it('should return "Hello World!"', () => {
expect(appController.getHello()).toBe('Hello World!');
import { Controller, Get } from '@nestjs/common';
import { AppService } from './app.service';
export class AppController {
constructor(private readonly appService: AppService) {}
getHello(): string {
return this.appService.getHello();
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { APP_FILTER, APP_INTERCEPTOR, APP_GUARD } from '@nestjs/core';
import { TypeOrmModule } from "@nestjs/typeorm";
import { Connection } from "typeorm";
import { APP_FILTER, APP_INTERCEPTOR } from '@nestjs/core';
import { TypeOrmModule } from '@nestjs/typeorm';
import { AppController } from './app.controller';
import { AppService } from './app.service';
import { Connection } from 'typeorm';
import { UserModule } from './user/user.module';
import { HttpErrorFilter } from './shared/http-error.filter';
import { LoggingInterceptor } from './shared/logging.interceptor';
import { MapMarkerModule } from './mapmarkers/mapmarkers.module';
import { HttpErrorFilter } from './shared/http-error.filter';
import { RolesGuard } from './shared/roles.guard';
Appmodule is the core of the system.
forRoot imports database data from ormconfig.json file
All the modules contain their respective controllers and service
import { NotificationModule } from './notifications/notifications.module';
import { GameModule } from './game/game.module';
imports: [TypeOrmModule.forRoot(), UserModule, MapMarkerModule],
imports: [
controllers: [AppController],
providers: [
AppService, {
provide: APP_FILTER,
useClass: HttpErrorFilter,
useClass: HttpErrorFilter,
useClass: LoggingInterceptor,
provide: APP_GUARD,
useClass: RolesGuard,
export class AppModule {
import { Test, TestingModule } from '@nestjs/testing';
import { GameController } from './game.controller';
describe('Game Controller', () => {
let controller: GameController;
beforeEach(async () => {
const module: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({
controllers: [GameController],
controller = module.get<GameController>(GameController);
it('should be defined', () => {
import { Controller, Post, UseGuards, Body, Get, Param, UsePipes, Put } from '@nestjs/common';
import { GameService } from './game.service';
import { AuthGuard } from '../shared/auth.guard';
import { User } from '../user/user.decorator';
import { GameDTO } from './game.dto';
import { ValidationPipe } from '../shared/validation.pipe';
export class GameController {
constructor(private gameservice: GameService) { }
@UseGuards(new AuthGuard())
@UsePipes(new ValidationPipe())
async newGame(@User('id') person, @Body() body: GameDTO ) {
return this.gameservice.createNewGame(person, body);
@UseGuards(new AuthGuard())
@UsePipes(new ValidationPipe())
async editGame(@Param('id') id: string, @Body() body: GameDTO) {
return this.gameservice.editGame(body);
@UseGuards(new AuthGuard())
@UsePipes(new ValidationPipe())
async joinGame(@User('id') person, @Param('id') id: string, @Body() password: string) {
return this.gameservice.joinGame(person, id, password);
async listGames() {
return this.gameservice.listGames();
async returnGameInfo(@Param('id') id: string) {
return this.gameservice.returnGameInfo(id);
import {
} from 'class-validator';
import { ArrayLength } from 'src/shared/array-validation';
export class GameDTO {
// uses class-validator built in validations
// see
@Length(2, 31)
name: string;
@Length(1, 255)
desc: string;
center: JSON;
// doesn't accept with IsJSON, WIP to get validation for map
map?: JSON;
startdate: string;
enddate: string;
@Length(5, 15, {
each: true,
// custom validation for array length (arr>min, arr<max)
//@Validate(ArrayLength, [4, 8])
passwords: string[];
factions?: FactionDTO[];
export class FactionDTO {
@Length(2, 15)
name: string;
id: string;
game: GameDTO;
import {
} from 'typeorm';
import { PersonEntity } from 'src/user/user.entity';
// table that stores all created games
export class GameEntity {
@PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') id: string;
@Column('text') name: string;
@Column('text') desc: string;
@Column('json') center: JSON;
@Column('json') map: JSON;
@Column('timestamp') startdate: Timestamp;
@Column('timestamp') enddate: Timestamp;
@Column("text", {array: true}) passwords: string[];
@OneToMany(type => FactionEntity, faction =>
factions: FactionEntity[];
@OneToMany(type => Game_PersonEntity, game_persons =>
game_persons: Game_PersonEntity[];
gameObject() {
const { id, name } = this;
return { id, name };
// table that stores all factions created for games
export class FactionEntity {
@PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') id: string;
@Column('text') name: string;
@ManyToOne(type => GameEntity, game => game.factions)
game: GameEntity;
@OneToMany(type => Game_PersonEntity, game_persons => game_persons.faction)
game_persons: Game_PersonEntity[];
// table that stores players associated with particular game
export class Game_PersonEntity {
@PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') gameId: string;
@ManyToOne(type => FactionEntity, faction => faction.game_persons)
faction: FactionEntity;
@ManyToOne(type => GameEntity, game => game.game_persons)
game: GameEntity;
@ManyToOne(type => PersonEntity, person => person.game_persons)
person: PersonEntity;
@ManyToOne(type => PersonRoleEntity, person_role => person_role.game_persons)
person_role: PersonRoleEntity;
@ManyToMany(type => CoordinateEntity, game_person_coordinates => game_person_coordinates.game_persons)
game_person_coordinates: CoordinateEntity[]; */
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { TypeOrmModule } from '@nestjs/typeorm';
import { GameController } from './game.controller';
import { GameService } from './game.service';
import { GameEntity, FactionEntity, Game_PersonEntity } from './game.entity';
import { PersonEntity } from 'src/user/user.entity';
imports: [TypeOrmModule.forFeature([GameEntity, FactionEntity, Game_PersonEntity, PersonEntity])],
controllers: [GameController],
providers: [GameService]
export class GameModule {}
import { Test, TestingModule } from '@nestjs/testing';
import { GameService } from './game.service';
describe('GameService', () => {
let service: GameService;
beforeEach(async () => {
const module: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({
providers: [GameService],
service = module.get<GameService>(GameService);
it('should be defined', () => {
import { Injectable, Logger, HttpException, HttpStatus } from '@nestjs/common';
import { InjectRepository } from '@nestjs/typeorm';
import { Repository, In } from 'typeorm';
import { GameEntity, FactionEntity, Game_PersonEntity } from './game.entity';
import { GameDTO } from './game.dto';
import { PersonEntity } from '../user/user.entity';
export class GameService {
private gameRepository: Repository<GameEntity>,
private factionRepository: Repository<FactionEntity>,
private personRepository: Repository<PersonEntity>,
private game_PersonRepository: Repository<Game_PersonEntity>,
) {}
// create a new game
async createNewGame(personId: string, gameData: GameDTO) {
// checks if a game with the same name exists already
const { name } = gameData;
if (await this.gameRepository.findOne({ where: { name } })) {
throw new HttpException('Game already exists', HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
// else add the game to the database
const game = await this.gameRepository.create({
factions: gameData.factions,
await this.gameRepository.insert(game);
return {
"message": "New game added"
// edit already created game
async editGame(gamedata) {
/* // get the id of the game created to pass it to factions table
const gameid = await this.gameRepository.findOne({
where: { name: },
}); faction => {
let name = await this.factionRepository.create({
game: gameid,
await this.factionRepository.insert(name);
}); */
return {
"message": "Game updated"
// checks the password, creates an entry in GamePerson table with associated role&faction
async joinGame(person, gameId, json) {
const user = await this.personRepository.findOne({
where: { id: person },
const game = await this.gameRepository.findOne({ where: { id: gameId } });
const index = game.passwords.indexOf(json.password);
// create game_Person entry
/* const gamePerson = await this.game_PersonRepository.create({
return 'WIP';
// returns name and id of each game
async listGames() {
const games = await this.gameRepository.find({ relations: ['factions'] });
return => {
return game.gameObject();
// returns information about a game identified by id
async returnGameInfo(id: string) {
const game = await this.gameRepository.findOne({
where: { id: id },
relations: ['factions'],
return game;
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ export class MapMarkerService {
// insert markers
async insertLocation(personId: string, data: MapMarkerDTO) {
try {
//get functions runtime as timestamp
data.timestamp = new Date(;
//check from database for the user who uploads the data
......@@ -4,12 +4,11 @@ import { MapMarkerService } from './mapmarker.service';
import { MapMarkerDTO } from './mapmarker.dto';
import { AuthGuard } from '../shared/auth.guard';
import { User } from '../user/user.decorator';
import { Roles } from '../shared/roles.decorator';
export class MapMarkersController {
constructor(private mapmarkerservice: MapMarkerService){}
// Insert figure location, needs "authorization" header with valid Bearer token and content-type json
@UseGuards(new AuthGuard())
......@@ -40,7 +39,6 @@ export class MapMarkersController {
async testroles(){
try {
return this.mapmarkerservice.test();
import { Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, Column, CreateDateColumn } from "typeorm";
// temporary table for warning notifications
export class NotificationEntity {
@PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') id: string;
@Column({type: 'text'}) message: string;
@CreateDateColumn() issued: Date;
// TODO:
// when game creation has been implemented, add logic so that the notifications are tied to games
\ No newline at end of file
import {
} from '@nestjs/websockets';
import { Logger } from '@nestjs/common';
import { InjectRepository } from '@nestjs/typeorm';
import { Server, Socket } from '';
import { Repository } from 'typeorm';
import { NotificationEntity } from './notification.entity';
export class NotificationGateway
implements OnGatewayInit, OnGatewayConnection, OnGatewayDisconnect {
//create references to tables as repositories
private notificationRepository: Repository<NotificationEntity>,
) {}
server: Server;
// for debugging: starting server, accepting connection, terminating connection
private logger: Logger = new Logger('NotificationGateway');
afterInit(server: Server) {
this.logger.log('Server has started');
handleConnection(client: Socket, ...args: any[]) {
this.logger.log(`Client ${} connected`);
handleDisconnect(client: Socket) {
this.logger.log(`Client ${} disconnected`);
// notifications for when game needs to be paused / stopped
async handleMessage(client: Socket, text: string) {
// send the message to all clients listening to warningToPlayers branch
this.server.emit('warningToPlayers', text);
// create entity properties
const message = await this.notificationRepository.create({ message: text });
// insert created entity NOTE: insert method doesn't check for duplicates.
await this.notificationRepository.insert(message);
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { NotificationGateway } from './notifications.gateway';
import { NotificationEntity } from './notification.entity';
import { TypeOrmModule } from '@nestjs/typeorm';
imports: [TypeOrmModule.forFeature([NotificationEntity])],
providers: [NotificationGateway],
export class NotificationModule {}
import {ValidatorConstraint, ValidatorConstraintInterface, ValidationArguments} from "class-validator";
import { Logger } from "@nestjs/common";
// validates array length
@ValidatorConstraint({ name: "arrayLength", async: true })
export class ArrayLength implements ValidatorConstraintInterface {
validate(array: string[], args: ValidationArguments) {
return array.length > args.constraints[0] && array.length < args.constraints[1]; // for async validations you must return a Promise<boolean> here
defaultMessage(args: ValidationArguments) { // here you can provide default error message if validation failed
return "Please input all passwords";
\ No newline at end of file
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