*** Settings ***
Documentation A test suite for invalid registration.
Resource resource.robot
Suite Setup Open Browser To Login Page
Suite Teardown Close Browser
Test Template Registration With Invalid Options Should Fail
*** Variables ***
${ge_u} = Generate Username
${ge_p} = Generate Password
*** Test Cases ***
Short Username ${ge_u} 2 ${ge_p} 32 ${SHORT_U}
Long Username ${ge_u} 32 ${ge_p} 32 ${LONG_U}
Short Password ${ge_u} 31 ${ge_p} 2 ${SHORT_P}
Long Password ${ge_u} 31 ${ge_p} 256 ${LONG_P}
Short Username/Password ${ge_u} 2 ${ge_p} 2 ${SHORT_UP}
Long Username/Password ${ge_u} 32 ${ge_p} 256 ${LONG_UP}
Short Username And Long Password ${ge_u} 2 ${ge_p} 256 ${SU_LP}
Long Username And Short Password ${ge_u} 32 ${ge_p} 2 ${LU_SP}
Empty Username And Password ${ge_u} 0 ${ge_p} 0 ${SHORT_UP}
Differing Password
[Template] NONE
Differing Password
Existing Account Correct Password
[Template] NONE
Existing Account Correct Password
Existing Account New Password
[Template] NONE
Existing Account New Password
*** Keywords ***
Registration With Invalid Options Should Fail
[Arguments] ${gene_usern} ${GNUM_U} ${gene_passwords} ${GNUM_P} ${error_text}
Open Registration
Run Keyword ${gene_usern} ${GNUM_U}
Run Keyword ${gene_passwords} ${GNUM_P}
Submit Credentials Registration
Registration Should Have Failed ${error_text}
Close Registration Screen
Registration Should Have Failed #Checks the error message.
[Arguments] ${error_text}
Element Text Should Be css=h2 ${error_text}
#Title Should Be Error Page #If there's going to be an error page.
Differing Password
Open Registration
Generate Username 31
Generate Differing Password 8
Submit Credentials Registration
Element Text Should Be css=h2 ${P_NOMATCH}
Close Registration Screen
Existing Account Correct Password
Open Registration
Input Valid Username
Input Valid Password
Submit Credentials Registration
Element Text Should Be css=h2 ${ACC_EXISTS}
Close Registration Screen
Existing Account New Password
Open Registration
Input Valid Username
Generate Password 4
Submit Credentials Registration
Element Text Should Be css=h2 ${ACC_EXISTS}
Close Registration Screen