Documentation A resource file with reusable keywords and variables.
Library SeleniumLibrary run_on_failure=nothing
Library String
${WELCOME URL} #You can use this if there's a different page after login page.
${LOC_USER} id=registerUsernameInput #Generated username.
${LOC_PASSWORD} id=registerPasswordInput #Generated password first time.
${LOC_PASSWORD2} id=registerPasswordVerifyInput #Generated password verify.
${ZOOMIN} css=a[class=leaflet-control-zoom-in] #Zoom in button location
${ZOOMOUT} css=a[class=leaflet-control-zoom-out] #Zoom out button location
${INVALID_U} User does not exist
${INVALID_P} Invalid password
${SHORT_P} Validation failed: password must be longer than or equal to 3 characters
${SHORT_U} Validation failed: name must be longer than or equal to 3 characters
${SHORT_UP} Validation failed: name must be longer than or equal to 3 characters, password must be longer than or equal to 3 characters
${LONG_U} Validation failed: name must be shorter than or equal to 31 characters
${LONG_P} Validation failed: password must be shorter than or equal to 255 characters
${LONG_UP} Validation failed: name must be shorter than or equal to 31 characters, password must be shorter than or equal to 255 characters
${SU_LP} Validation failed: name must be longer than or equal to 3 characters, password must be shorter than or equal to 255 characters
${LU_SP} Validation failed: name must be shorter than or equal to 31 characters, password must be longer than or equal to 3 characters
${ACC_EXISTS} User already exists
${P_NOMATCH} Passwords do not match
[Arguments] ${username}
Input Text id=loginUsernameInput ${username}
[Arguments] ${password}
Input Text id=loginPasswordInput ${password}
Click Button id=submitLoginButton
Welcome Page Should Be Open #You can use this if there's a different page after login page.
Location Should Be ${WELCOME URL}
Click Button id=registerButton
Generate Valid Username #Generates new username for every test rotation in gitlab. Used in test suite 00.
${GENE_username} = Generate Random String 12 [LETTERS][NUMBERS]
Set Global Variable ${VALID USER} ${GENE_username}
Input Valid Username #Inputs the generated valid username for login. (Test suite 00)
Input Text ${LOC_USER} ${VALID USER}
Input Valid Password #Inputs the valid password: ville. (Test suite 00 and 01)
Generate Username #Generates a random username lenght=8 chars=[LETTERS][NUMBERS]
[Arguments] ${GNUM_U}
${GENE_username} = Generate Random String ${GNUM_U} [LETTERS][NUMBERS]
Input Text ${LOC_USER} ${GENE_username}
Generate Password #Generates a random password lenght=8 chars=[LETTERS][NUMBERS]
[Arguments] ${GNUM_P}
${GENE_password} = Generate Random String ${GNUM_P} [LETTERS][NUMBERS]
Input Text ${LOC_PASSWORD} ${GENE_password}
Input Text ${LOC_PASSWORD2} ${GENE_password}
[Arguments] ${GNUM_VP}
${GENE_dpassword} = Generate Random String ${GNUM_VP} [LETTERS][NUMBERS]
${GENE_dpassword2} = Generate Random String ${GNUM_VP} [LETTERS][NUMBERS]
Input Text ${LOC_PASSWORD} ${GENE_dpassword}
Input Text ${LOC_PASSWORD2} ${GENE_dpassword2}
#Drawing tools and map movement frontpage
Drawing A Figure
[Arguments] ${X} ${Y}
Click Element At Coordinates css=div[class=leaflet-control-container] ${X} ${Y}
Click Leaflet Panel
[Arguments] ${TARGET}
Draw A Polyline
Click Element css=a[class=leaflet-draw-draw-polyline]
Drawing A Figure 500 500
Drawing A Figure 300 500
Drawing A Figure 300 300
Drawing A Figure 500 300
Drawing A Figure 500 500
Drawing A Figure 500 500
Drawing A Figure 500 500
Drawing A Figure 550 300
Drawing A Figure 550 500
Log To Console \n.Polyline done
Draw A Polygon
Click Element css=a[class=leaflet-draw-draw-polygon]
Drawing A Figure 50 300
Drawing A Figure -100 300
Drawing A Figure -60 100
Click Element css=a[class=leaflet-draw-draw-polygon]
Drawing A Figure 50 300
Drawing A Figure -100 300
Drawing A Figure -60 100
Drawing A Figure -120 300
Drawing A Figure -180 300
Drawing A Figure -110 100
Drawing A Figure -120 300
Log To Console Polygon done
Draw A Rectangle
Click Element css=a[class=leaflet-draw-draw-rectangle]
Drawing A Figure -200 100
Drawing A Figure -0 500
Log To Console Rectangle done
Draw A Circle
Click Element css=a[class=leaflet-draw-draw-circle]
Mouse Down class:leaflet-tile-loaded:nth-child(2)
Mouse Up class:leaflet-tile-loaded:nth-child(5)
Log To Console Circle done
Draw A Marker
Click Element css=a[class=leaflet-draw-draw-marker]
Drawing A Figure 200 200
Drawing A Figure 300 300
Log To Console Markers done
Edit Layers
Click Element css=a[class=leaflet-draw-edit-edit]
Mouse Down class:leaflet-editing-icon:first-of-type #Polyline
Mouse Up class:leaflet-tile-loaded:nth-child(2) #Polyline
Mouse Down class:leaflet-editing-icon:nth-last-of-type(7) #Rectangle
Mouse Up class:leaflet-tile-loaded:nth-child(4) #Rectangle
Mouse Down class:leaflet-editing-icon:nth-last-of-type(6) #Rectangle
Mouse Up class:leaflet-tile-loaded:nth-child(5) #Rectangle
Mouse Down class:leaflet-editing-icon:nth-last-of-type(8) #Polygon
Mouse Up class:leaflet-tile-loaded:nth-child(2) #Polygon
Mouse Down class:leaflet-editing-icon:nth-last-of-type(3) #Circle
Mouse Up class:leaflet-tile-loaded:nth-child(4) #Circle
Mouse Down class:leaflet-editing-icon:nth-last-of-type(4) #Circle
Mouse Up class:leaflet-tile-loaded:nth-child(3) #Circle
Mouse Down class:leaflet-marker-icon:last-of-type #Marker
Mouse Up class:leaflet-tile-loaded:nth-child(12) #Marker
Click Element css=a[class=leaflet-draw-edit-edit]
Mouse Down class:leaflet-marker-icon:nth-last-of-type(2) #Marker
Mouse Up class:leaflet-tile-loaded:nth-child(3) #Marker
Log To Console Editing done
Delete Layers
Click Element css=a[class=leaflet-draw-edit-remove]
Click Element class:leaflet-marker-icon:nth-last-of-type(2) #Marker
Click Element css=a[class=leaflet-draw-edit-remove]
Drawing A Figure 50 300
Log To Console Deleting done
Map Movement
Drag And Drop By Offset css=div[class=leaflet-control-container] 10 100
Drag And Drop By Offset css=div[class=leaflet-control-container] 50 300
Drag And Drop By Offset css=div[class=leaflet-control-container] 800 800
Drag And Drop By Offset css=div[class=leaflet-control-container] -50 -50
Log To Console Map movement tested