Ronnie Friman authoredRonnie Friman authored
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resource.robot 4.47 KiB
*** Settings ***
Documentation A resource file with reusable keywords and variables.
Library SeleniumLibrary run_on_failure=nothing
Library String
*** Variables ***
${DELAY} 0.5
${LOGIN URL} https://${SERVER}/
${WELCOME URL} #You can use this if there's a different page after login page.
${LOC_USER} id=registerUsernameInput #Generated username.
${LOC_PASSWORD} id=registerPasswordInput #Generated password first time.
${LOC_PASSWORD2} id=registerPasswordVerifyInput #Generated password verify.
${ZOOMIN} //*[@id="root"]/div/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/a[1] #Zoom in button location
${ZOOMOUT} //*[@id="root"]/div/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/a[2] #Zoom out button location
${INVALID_U} User does not exist
${INVALID_P} Invalid password
${SHORT_P} Validation failed: password must be longer than or equal to 3 characters
${SHORT_U} Validation failed: name must be longer than or equal to 3 characters
${SHORT_UP} Validation failed: name must be longer than or equal to 3 characters, password must be longer than or equal to 3 characters
${LONG_U} Validation failed: name must be shorter than or equal to 31 characters
${LONG_P} Validation failed: password must be shorter than or equal to 255 characters
${LONG_UP} Validation failed: name must be shorter than or equal to 31 characters, password must be shorter than or equal to 255 characters
${SU_LP} Validation failed: name must be longer than or equal to 3 characters, password must be shorter than or equal to 255 characters
${LU_SP} Validation failed: name must be shorter than or equal to 31 characters, password must be longer than or equal to 3 characters
*** Keywords ***
#Valid Login
Open Browser To Login Page
Open Browser ${LOGIN URL} ${BROWSER}
Maximize Browser Window
Set Selenium Speed ${DELAY}
Login Page Should be Open
Login Page Should be Open
Title Should Be React App
Go To Login Page
Login Page Should be Open
Open Login
Click Button id=loginButton
Input Username
[Arguments] ${username}
Input Text id=loginUsernameInput ${username}
Input Password
[Arguments] ${password}
Input Text id=loginPasswordInput ${password}
Submit Credentials Login
Click Button id=submitLoginButton
Welcome Page Should Be Open #You can use this if there's a different page after login page.
Location Should Be ${WELCOME URL}
Log Out
Click Button id=logoutButton
Close Login Screen
Click Element id=closeLoginFormX
Wait For Log Out Button To Appear
Wait Until Page Contains Element id=logoutButton 1
Open Registration
Click Button id=registerButton
Generate Valid Username
${GENE_username} = Generate Random String 12 [LETTERS][NUMBERS]
Set Global Variable ${VALID USER} ${GENE_username}
Input Valid Username
Input Text ${LOC_USER} ${VALID USER}
Input Valid Password
Generate Username #Generates a random username lenght=8 chars=[LETTERS][NUMBERS]
[Arguments] ${GNUM_U}
${GENE_username} = Generate Random String ${GNUM_U} [LETTERS][NUMBERS]
Input Text ${LOC_USER} ${GENE_username}
Generate Password #Generates a random password lenght=8 chars=[LETTERS][NUMBERS]
[Arguments] ${GNUM_P}
${GENE_password} = Generate Random String ${GNUM_P} [LETTERS][NUMBERS]
Input Text ${LOC_PASSWORD} ${GENE_password}
Input Text ${LOC_PASSWORD2} ${GENE_password}
Generate Differing Password
[Arguments] ${GNUM_VP}
${GENE_dpassword} = Generate Random String ${GNUM_VP} [LETTERS][NUMBERS]
${GENE_dpassword2} = Generate Random String ${GNUM_VP} [LETTERS][NUMBERS]
Input Text ${LOC_PASSWORD} ${GENE_dpassword}
Input Text ${LOC_PASSWORD2} ${GENE_dpassword2}
Submit Credentials Registration
Click Button id=submitRegisterButton
Close Registration Screen
Click Element id=closeRegisterFormX
#Zoom frontpage
Wait For Zoom Button To Appear
Wait Until Page Contains Element //*[@id="root"]/div/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/a[1] 1
Zoom In On Frontpage
Repeat Keyword 3 times Click Element ${ZOOMIN}
Zoom Out On Frontpage
Repeat Keyword 3 times Click Element ${ZOOMOUT}
Move Around On The Map Frontpage #en saanut toimimaan
#Press Key //*[@id="root"]/div/div[1]/div[1] ARROW_LEFT
Press Combination Key.