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- Application Architecture
- Architecture and technical solutions
- Title
- Introduction
- Overview
- Technologies used
- Descriptions of product development environments
- Tools used and their version numbers
- The most important technical solutions on which the product relies
- General software architecture
- Interfaces
- Description of the execution environment (production)
- Database descriptions
application-architecture.md 1.94 KiB
Application Architecture
Architecture and technical solutions
This document is a "living" document that is constantly updated. In its current form, it is only a rough framework that "can" be used as a basis for technical documentation of projects. The structure can and must be modified! The goal is to create a document that seamlessly integrates the design documentation with the rest of the project documentation. The author assumes no responsibility for the content of this document.
TV: NarsuMan
Version number
Classification (Secret / Public etc ..)
Responsible person
- Introduction to the document ..
- Briefly introduce the product or item
- The task of this document is to give the next developer, for example, an understanding of how the product has been implemented (Source code alone is not enough)
- What kind of tools and environments are needed if you plan to develop the product further
Technologies used
- JAVA / Java Script?
- HABA language
- Reasons why!
Descriptions of product development environments
Describe at least the following:
- Development environment
- Test environment
- Execution environment
- Demo environment
In other words, how have those different environments been implemented in the project
Tools used and their version numbers
- Translator for xyz v1.0.1
- debugger zky v2.05
- Firefox 123
- Reasons why!
The most important technical solutions on which the product relies
- Used libraries / frameworks (JQuery v 23456, JAVA EE 8 + Spring ZZZ, React IO)
- Other jips and gimmicks
- Reasons why!
General software architecture
- Services
- [Example of living life] (https://virkailija.opintopolku.fi/koodisto-service/swagger/index.html)
Description of the execution environment (production)
- How the product is run in production
- Deployment diagram
Database descriptions