DevSecOps means adding security perspective as natural part to DevOps processes from the start. In DevSecOps security planning and development are joined to everyday tasks.
@@ -15,15 +15,15 @@ Version 2.0 by Sini Karvonen, Timo Lehosvuo, Heikki Pekkarinen, Matti Saarelma &
Green Book has been in the works for multiple years, and contents has been added and removed every year, depending on the assignments that were given to Mysticons that year.
This guide should show you the basics of virtual companies, how to set up pipelines in Gitlab, how Robot Framework works, and so much more! Hopefully this is helpful for everyone interested, whether they are participating in WIMMA Lab or not.
This guide should show you the basics of virtual companies, how to set up pipelines in GitLab, how Robot Framework works, and so much more! Hopefully this is helpful for everyone interested, whether they are participating in WIMMA Lab or not.
#### Introduction
#### Contents
1. [Concept of the virtual company](/guides/Green-Book/01-Virtual-Companies)