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Commit 2a96446e authored by AB8057's avatar AB8057
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#Part 1
#Declare a keyword list that contains name of the color and color html value.
#Add at least 10 colors to the keyword list
#Create a loop that asks user the color name or color html value.
#If entered text begins with '#', print the corresponding color name.
#Otherwise print the corresponding html color value.
#If neither is found in keyword list, exit the loop.
#this was a bit harder, as creating a working loop took a lot of time.
#as a result the structure of the code became a bit complex
defmodule ColorMatcher do
@colors [ #keywordlist is declared here
{:azure, "#F0FFFF"},
{:coral, "#FF7F50"},
{:indigo, "#4B0082"},
{:navy, "#000080"},
{:orchid, "#DA70D6"},
{:silver, "#C0C0C0"},
{:teal, "#008080"},
{:thistle, "#D8BFD8"},
{:wheat, "#F5DEB3"},
{:white, "#FFFFFF"}
defp find_color(input) do #this function tries to find the color that user gave
input_trim = String.trim(input) #whitespaces etc. get trimmed off the given user input
case String.starts_with?(input_trim, "#") do #the case checks whether input starts with "#" or not
true -> find_by_html_value(input_trim) #if it starts with "#", it calls a function to find the color by value
false -> find_by_color_name(input_trim) #if it does not, it calls a function to find the color by name
defp find_by_html_value(html_value) do
case Enum.find(@colors, fn {_name, value} -> value == html_value end) do #case to find a matching HMTL value
{name, _} -> #if match is found, color name is printed and true is returned
IO.puts("Color name for #{html_value}: #{name}")
nil -> false #if not, false is returned
defp find_by_color_name(color_name) do
case Enum.find(@colors, fn {name, _value} -> name == String.to_atom(color_name) end) do
{_, value} -> #if match found, color value is printed and true is returned
IO.puts("HTML value for #{color_name}: #{value}")
nil -> false #if not, return false
def start_loop() do #this function initiates color match finder loop
do_while(fn -> loop() end)
#loop's operating principles are defined in this function
defp loop() do
IO.puts("Enter a color name or HTML value:")
input = IO.gets("") |> String.trim() #user's input is taken here and trimmed of whitespaces etc.
case input do
_ ->
case find_color(input) do #checking if a match is found for the user's input
true -> :continue
false -> #if there is no match, loop is exited
IO.puts("No matching color found. Exiting.")
defp do_while(block) do #this function executes block in the loop until :continue is not returned
case block.() do
:continue -> do_while(block)
_ -> :ok
ColorMatcher.start_loop() #calls the start_loop function of the ColorMatcher module
#Part 2
#Declare a map that contains book ISBN as a key and book name as a value.
#Add at least 5 books into the map
#Create a loop that reads commands from the user:
#list lists all books in the map.
#search ISBN searches a book with specified ISBN and prints book info.
#add ISBN,NAME adds new book into the map.
#remove ISBN removes book with ISBN if found on map.
#quit exits the loop.
defmodule BookMap do #a module with a map of books within
@books %{
"ISBN1234567890" => "The Great Gatsby",
"ISBN0987654321" => "To Kill a Mockingbird",
"ISBN5678901234" => "1984",
"ISBN9876543210" => "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone",
"ISBN5432109876" => "The Catcher in the Rye"
def main do #loop function is called with the map of books given
def loop(books) do #this loop works as a main that reads user's commands and executes them
IO.puts("Enter a command (list, search ISBN(give only number), add [ISBN] [NAME], remove ISBN(give only number), quit):")
command = String.downcase(IO.gets(""))
case String.split(command, ~r/\s+/, trim: true) do
["list"] -> list_books(books) #gives a list of the books
["search", raw_isbn] -> search_book(books, raw_isbn) #searches book with isbn number
["add" | rest] -> add_book(books, rest) #adds a new book into map
["remove", isbn] -> loop(Map.delete(books, "ISBN" <> isbn)) #removes book from map
["quit"] -> IO.puts("Goodbye!") #quits loop
_ -> IO.puts("Invalid command. Try again."); loop(books) #in case of invalid command
def list_books(books) do #function that lists books
IO.puts("List of Books:")
Enum.each(books, fn {isbn, name} -> IO.puts("#{isbn}: #{name}") end)
def search_book(books, raw_isbn) do #function that searches book
normalized_isbn = "ISBN" <> String.replace_prefix(raw_isbn, "ISBN", "") #to make search easier, prefix is replaced
case Map.get(books, normalized_isbn) do
nil -> IO.puts("Book not found.")
name -> IO.puts("Book found: #{normalized_isbn}: #{name}")
loop(books) #calling back to loop
defp add_book(books, [isbn | name_parts]) do #adds books to map
name = Enum.join(name_parts, " ")
loop(Map.put(books, "ISBN" <> isbn, name))
defp add_book(books, _) do
IO.puts("Invalid add command. Try again.")
loop(books) #calling back to loop
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