11. Send an email to karo.saharinen@jamk.fi with the topic: "Gitlab-course returnal, firstname lastname studentnumber" (add your own information to firstname, lastname and studentnumber sections). If you want you can add the repository URL into the message just incase.
12. Fill the [Course Feedback -form](https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/52BD46ED39D646B9)
12. Fill the [Course Feedback](https://opintojaksopalaute.peppi.jamk.fi/lomakkeet/1/lomake.html?code=VFQwMENENjEtMzAwMQ==&lang=en)
13. Wait for me to check the returned repository and to give an grade in Peppi, thanks for participating! :tada:
- Be patient, I usually check these around every 2-3 weeks...
14. For CampusOnline students the grades should move as follows (dated 23.2.2022)